Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 354 Anxious Li Feng (ask for bookshelf!)

As Xiao Qiang expected, when they found that the people in the base and the people in the army were gone, they would definitely send people to the third circle to strengthen the guard work there. In this way, the guard force of the first circle would be reduced, and he could also take the opportunity to go to the first circle to check on Brother Han and find a chance to rescue him.

After Xiao Qiang saw that the younger brother ran away, he also smiled and kept running towards the first circle in the opposite direction. Along the way, he could really feel that the people in the entire M company seemed a little flustered. The younger brothers of the M company were constantly running everywhere, constantly running quickly towards the main entrance of the third circle. Some people were holding objects similar to walkie-talkies in their hands and talking continuously.

At this time, in the agency building where Li Feng was, everyone who got the news was also standing in the spacious conference room with a serious face.

In the house, Li Zhong, Li Feng, Zhang Jun, Liu Xuan and Cheng Wen were all there because they had to guard the black gold exchange place of the base, and that was also the location of the warehouse of the entire urban base, so he was generally not summoned back here. Only Old Wu has not shown up.

"Dad, it must be Xiao Qiang, otherwise those people would not disappear for no reason. First, he rescued his parents from the base, and then took all the people away. It must be him. Last time at the Black Wind Base, he incited those people in the Black Wind Base to riot. It must be him." Li Feng was a little excited when he heard the news, and now he stood in the middle and spoke loudly.

Cheng Wen, who was holding a spear, heard Li Feng mention the rescue of Xiao Qiang's parents again. He snorted on the spot, stabbed the spear in his hand to the ground, and stopped looking at Li Feng with the spear.

"Calm down first, there are so many of us here, so what if it's him, even if he dares to come, he will be in trouble." Li Zhong saw this and quickly blamed Li Feng.

"What should we do about today's meeting? After such a thing happened, I wonder if those people from Tongjiang Base will come?" Zhang Jun said to Li Zhong.

"They should come, after all, the Han guy is still in our hands. Besides, if they don't come, we can just go to them if they don't want to become the next Xujiang Base." Li Zhong's eyes showed a very spicy meaning. At this moment, they were all from M Company, and there was no need for him to hide the fact that M Company was theirs.

"Do I need to take people to search for these people outside? Kill them by the way." Liu Xuan still had a wicked smirk on his face, playing with the dagger in his hand, and asked.

"No need, they are just a bunch of small fish and shrimps, they can't make any waves. It's just right that they are not here, so as not to hinder the people in Tongjiang Base today. Moreover, the superior city has urged us to return to the superior city as soon as possible. So today, after seeing whether the people in Tongjiang Base know the whereabouts of arms and black gold, we are ready to return." Li Zhong stood up, waved his hand, and spoke to the people in the room.

"After you go down, tell your men to step up the defense of the base, and place the explosives when the time comes. Once a conflict occurs, blow them all up. Also, go and say hello to Old Wu, and ask him to help if you need to." Li Zhong instructed them again.

"Okay." Everyone agreed and walked out.

Xiao Qiang took advantage of the chaos and arrived outside the agency building where Brother Han was imprisoned. Because Brother Han had been in a coma, and what happened this morning, the defense of this building was much less. There were only two rows of people standing at the main entrance, and those machine guns.

Walking around the building, this three-story building is not very high, and entering from the main entrance will definitely alarm the guards. Xiao Qiang decided to enter the building from the top of the building as before.

After looking around and making sure no one was noticing, Xiao Qiang walked to a remote side of the building, and with a light leap, he reached the second floor. At the same time, he stretched out his hands and lightly grabbed the balcony on the second floor, using the force to leap to the roof.

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