Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 355 Meeting Brother Han (ask for bookshelf!)

After jumping to the roof, Xiao Qiang bent over and headed towards the stairs. Because there are too many strong men in the urban base, Xiao Qiang did not dare to be careless. After all, he could not conflict with them casually now.

Xiao Qiang walked gently to the entrance of the stairs and found that there was an iron plate covered there with a rusty iron lock on it. It seemed that he had not been on the roof recently.

He took out the bone spur dagger from the system and gently scratched the dagger on the lock, and the lock fell.

After opening the iron plate, Xiao Qiang gently went down to the third floor. Just after going down to the third floor, Xiao Qiang heard a sound of walking in the passage, which was particularly clear in the quiet building.

After holding the dagger tightly in his hand, Xiao Qiang looked over and found that it was a team of patrol personnel who were walking out of a room and walking downstairs.

Xiao Qiang noticed that it was a large empty room, and the patrol members closed the door after coming out.

After the patrol team members came out, Xiao Qiang walked carefully towards the big room. After pushing open the door and looking inside, Xiao Qiang found a big bed on one side of the room, with a person lying on the bed, who looked a little unconscious.

When Xiao Qiang was about to go over to check, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door. In a panic, Xiao Qiang jumped directly and rushed under the bed of the person. With his hands stretched out, he hid under the bed.

With a "creak", the door was opened and two people came in with machine guns.

"Look, I said no one. The door should not be closed just now, so there was a sound of opening the door." One of them looked around the room and found that there was no one else in the room.

"It's better to be careful. There are so many things in the base these days, and people from Tongjiang Base will come to have a meeting today." The other nodded and said to the man.

After speaking, the two opened the door and walked out. After the two men walked away, Xiao Qiang waited for a while, thinking that it would be better to be cautious and not to be discovered.

"Come out, there is no one around, they won't come again in the morning." When Xiao Qiang was about to come out from under the bed, suddenly, a voice came from above Xiao Qiang's head.

Xiao Qiang realized that the voice came from the person lying on the bed, so he shook his head gently, pouted, and got out from under the bed. Standing in front of the person's bed, Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand awkwardly, and then he saw the person on the bed clearly.

A standard big man, more than 1.8 meters tall, about 30 years old, with a broad body, square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Qiang calmly.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are Brother Han." Xiao Qiang said to the person on the bed with a smile on his face.

"You are not from the base? You are not from M Company? Tell me, what is your purpose in coming here to see me?" The man on the bed asked Xiao Qiang without comment.

"So it seems, I am Xiao Qiang, you should know this thing." Xiao Qiang nodded and threw something in his hand in front of Brother Han.

It was an empty bullet shell with a Han character engraved on it. This bullet shell was a very meaningful bullet that Brother Han helped Wu Shan with when Wu Shan and Brother Han were on a mission before the end of the world, so Wu Shan collected this bullet and always carried it with him. This matter was only known to the two of them. After the end of the world, Wu Shan was also the person that Brother Han trusted the most. Now he was willing to give this bullet shell to Xiao Qiang, which meant that he could trust Xiao Qiang.

However, after Xiao Qiang threw the bullet shell over, Brother Han did not reach out to catch it, and the bullet shell slipped to the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang also saw the clue. Although Brother Han could open his eyes and speak, his body could not move.

He picked up the bullet shell from the ground, shook it in front of Brother Han, and carefully put it away.

"Now you can trust me, right? Wu Shan and the people from Tongjiang Base are going to my base. We are going to deal with this group of people from M Company today, so I came here to save you at Wu Shan's request. What's wrong with your body?" Xiao Qiang said.

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