Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 356 Controlling the Real Potion (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Oh, that's good. You are very capable to have avoided so many people and come here. Brother Han was quite relieved and said to Xiao Qiang.

"I was injured by the sneak attack of Mr. Wu, and then they inserted a tube of medicine in my back, which can limit my strength and make me unable to move. If you want to help, please help me remove it. Although I am injured now, I can still exert some strength. "Brother Han spoke to Xiao Qiang again.

Turning Brother Han over, Xiao Qiang saw that there was indeed a black object similar to a small box stuck on his back. It was very thin, and there was a transparent glass space inlaid on it. Inside, you could see about half a bottle of water-like liquid.

Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and gently pinched the box-like object stuck on his back. Careful Xiao Qiang noticed that there was a tiny needle hole on Brother Han's back.

Looking carefully at the object in his hand, Xiao Qiang noticed that there was a tiny object similar to a small needle on the front of the object, and the liquid flowed into Brother Han's body through this needle hole. At the same time, Xiao Qiang discovered that this tiny needle hole was actually made of black gold. But it is not difficult to imagine that the mutant's body The qualities have been enhanced, not to mention that Brother Han is a strong man of level 9. Ordinary materials are difficult to pierce their bodies. Only special materials in the end times, such as black gold, can do it.

However, this made Xiao Qiang even more curious about M Company. Black gold should be an item that only exists in the end times. What Xiao Qiang knows is that it only exists in the bodies of zombies above level 4. But looking at this object, it is so exquisitely made, and there is the logo of M Company on it. Xiao Qiang can't figure out why M Company has to specially create such an object under the conditions of the end times. Putting the object in his pocket, Xiao Qiang plans to go back and study this item carefully.

"Thank you, little brother, my whole body will be able to move in a while, and then I will accompany you to make trouble in this base. "After the potion that restricted his mobility and strength was taken out of Brother Han, his fingers were able to shake slightly, and he smiled and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, a strong level 9 human was found. Due to physical damage, he can only exert the strength of a strong level 8."

Xiao Qiang took the opportunity to open a double-eye recognition scan on Brother Han and found that he was a strong level 9, but could only exert the strength of level 8.

"You're welcome. I was originally entrusted to come to rescue Brother Han, and Brother Han is very powerful. When we are hostile to M Company, we will have to rely on Brother Han to take action." Xiao Qiang waved his hand, smiled at Brother Han and said.

"Humph, this group of people from M Company have ulterior motives. They dared to sneak attack me. I will definitely not let them go. "Brother Han was a little angry, and his mobility slowly recovered. He hammered the bed board with his hand.

"Yeah, but what I want to know is the purpose of this group of people from M Company. What do they want that batch of arms and that truck of black gold for? And what kind of strength does that old Wu have?" Xiao Qiang glanced out the window and found that it was still early, so he chatted with Brother Han there to find out what he was curious about.

"This matter is a long story. Come and help me. I haven't moved for too long, and my body is a little stiff. These bastards, I don't know what they hit me with. "Brother Han slowly supported the bed with his hands, sat up and said to Xiao Qiang.

"About a month ago, a truck drove over from the upper city. There were two people on it who were also members of the legion before the end of the world. They were seriously injured. Seeing that we were also members of the legion, they told us that the truck was carrying a truckload of black gold, which was very important. They were injured by a group of unidentified people. After they handed the black gold to us for safekeeping, they could not be treated. We didn't know who to give the black gold to, so we stored it in the base first." Brother Han leaned on the bed and said to Xiao Qiang who was standing beside him.

"But Brother Han, why didn't you transport the black gold to the upper city? Why didn't you ask the legion in the upper city to help?" Xiao Qiang asked in confusion.

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