Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 357 Cause of Injury (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Alas, after the apocalypse, we only received a notice from all levels that they would set up apocalyptic bases to accommodate the people, and then we lost contact. The legions at all levels are now basically in contact with each other, fighting on their own. I even heard that some legions have joined M Company. It can be said that cities at all levels basically no longer have the strict organization before the apocalypse." Brother Han sighed and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Unexpectedly, less than a week later, these strong men from M Company came. At first, they seemed relatively friendly and helped us deal with zombies. However, during this period, they have been secretly asking us about the whereabouts of the black gold truck and a large number of arms that originally belonged to the legions here. However, at that time, the three bases in our urban area were closely connected, and there were many strong men in the middle. Even if they had some monsters like Wu Lao, they did not dare to easily conflict with us." Brother Han paused, drank a sip of water and continued.

"But, until more than a week ago, the people from M Company suddenly suggested to gather strong men and go to the city center to deal with the two demons. At that time, I didn't think much and agreed. Who knew that we were fighting fiercely with the two demons at that time, and the demon was also slightly injured. After a while, we would definitely be able to take them down. Who knew that they suddenly turned their weapons and started to attack us. Not only did they kill many strong men in Lujiang Base, but even I was seriously injured by that old Wu. After coming back, they inserted that thing into me, making me unable to move. Sure enough, they began to ask about the whereabouts of the batch of supplies, but I didn't tell them." When mentioning these things, Brother Han said with some sadness.

"Oh, so that's the case. What level of strength is that old Wu? Why haven't I seen him recently?" Xiao Qiang nodded and asked.

"That old Wu reached the awakening level from the superpower level. His current level should be the level of superpower level 1. His strength is very strong. Not only is he more free to master and use superpowers, but his physical fitness has also been trained to be very strong." Brother Han was able to stand up and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Awakening level? No wonder they all said that old Wu's cultivation strength is very strong. I didn't expect that he actually reached the awakening level." Xiao Qiang was also surprised. This old Wu was the first awakening level strong man he met. He said to Brother Han with his mouth open.

"Yes, so you have to be careful when dealing with them today. By the way, what level are you now?" Brother Han asked.

"I am only a strong man of level 8." Xiao Qiang answered truthfully.

"Strong man of level 8? You dare to come to the base in the urban area. Do you know that there are 5 strong men above level 7 in this urban area?" Brother Han asked.

"I know." Xiao Qiang calmed down and said.

"Do you know that besides Mr. Wu, there is also a Level 9 strongman and a Level 8 supernatural person in the base?" Brother Han continued to ask.

"I know." Xiao Qiang smiled and continued.

"Then do you know that after Level 5, the gap between levels is like a ravine, and the gap is obviously huge." Brother Han continued.

"I know." Xiao Qiang still looked the same, and said to Brother Han.

"Then do you know that these strong men are not only more powerful, but also their weapons are specially made of black gold." Brother Han continued to ask.

"I know." Xiao Qiang said with a relaxed look.

"Well, it is true that heroes come from young. At such a young age, he has such courage and courage. With the strength of a Level 8 strongman, he dares to come to this base in the city to make a living. I must have something extraordinary. Then I, Old Han, am not a coward. Today, I will make a big fuss with you in this base." Brother Han heard Xiao Qiang's words and looked at Xiao Qiang with admiration.

"I don't know what weapon Brother Han uses. There are no weapons in this room. Was it taken away by the people from M Company?" Xiao Qiang asked.

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