Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 358 Arsenal (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Haha, he is my weapon. If you are a rough man, you are not used to using those weapons, so you have to use your fists to bring strength." Brother Han shook his fist at Xiao Qiang and said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Han is brave enough, but now is not the time to conflict with them. Brother Han still needs to be patient here. When the dispute breaks out, he can catch them by surprise."

Xiao Qiang smiled and said to Brother Han.

"No problem, I will listen to your command this time." Brother Han also recovered, patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder and said.

"Yeah, that's it. By the way, Brother Han, I don't know if there are any mines or other items here in the base. I plan to put all those things in the base and give them an explosion when the time comes." Xiao Qiang He asked Brother Han.

"Well, I'm going to your base anyway, so I'll tell you those things. The base's arms and the truck of black gold are not elsewhere, just in a building next to the base. However, those things are Store it in the underground warehouse, you can get there..." Brother Han thoughtfully told Xiao Qiang the location.

"Thank you Brother Han for your trust. I will go find some landmines and bury them throughout the base. When the time comes, I will use the explosion of the mines as a signal. As soon as the mines sound, we will attack the people of Company M." Xiao Qiang said to Brother Han.

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Brother Han said.

In fact, Xiao Qiang himself has this kind of personality charm, which makes people more convincing. Of course, you still have to rely on the bullet shell given by Wu Shan to gain initial trust in the beginning.

After coming out of the house, Xiao Qiang came down from the roof. Following Brother Han's instructions, carefully avoiding the guards of Company M, Xiao Qiang walked to an empty agency building next to the base. From the outside, it looks like the building has also been attacked by zombies. There are broken walls and broken furniture everywhere, as well as some bullet holes left by the battle.

If it weren't for Brother Han's instructions, Xiao Qiang would never have discovered that this place turned out to be a military supplies warehouse. After all, from the outside, it was just a large office building.

Walking to a corner, Xiao Qiang found the mechanical rocker that Brother Han had mentioned. He held the rocker with one hand and shook it slightly, but it turned out that the rocker did not swing.

Xiao Qiang curled his lips, held the rocker arm with both hands, and turned it hard. He only heard the "squeaking" sound of the mechanical chain rotating. As the chain rotated, the empty ground in front of Xiao Qiang turned out to be slow. A gap was slowly revealed, and the floor was divided into two, which turned out to be two gates. With Xiao Qiang's force, the door was also opened, and some bricks in the gaps on the ground also fell down. At the same time, Xiao Qiang noticed that after the door opened, a step leading down was also revealed.

Letting go of his hand, Xiao Qiang took out the bone spur dagger and walked down the steps. After entering, Xiao Qiang discovered that the underground warehouse occupies a very large area, about the size of two buildings.

The things inside were so dazzling that Xiao Qiang was dazzled. He didn't expect that a small fourth-level city would have so many arms and equipment. No wonder Li Zhong and the others had to bring an awakening-level master here.

I saw that the warehouse was filled with large iron shelves starting from the entrance. Except for the guns that had been taken away from some shelves at the entrance, the others were still neatly placed on the shelves. It seems that Wu Shan and others from the legion took it away in a hurry after the apocalypse occurred.

The further inside, Xiao Qiang became more and more surprised. He saw rows of shelves filled with arms, injuries, machine guns, and rocket launchers. . . . Bullets, grenades, mines. . . Body armor, helmets, military uniforms. . . In the middle of the shelf, there were even two tanks parked, and on the ground next to them were artillery shells for the tanks.

"This is really great. With these arms, we no longer need to spend exchange points to exchange bullets from the system. With so many guns, even one person in the base is enough, and it can also There are enough bullets and a lot of grenades and the like." Xiao Qiang was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth as he walked.

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