Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 359 So many arms (ask for bookshelf!)

"No, no, we still have to save some. There will be more and more people in the base in the future, and there will be many places to use bullets in the future. Moreover, after having this batch of arms, let alone cleaning up the zombies in Liutong County, even the zombies in Xuzhou City can be started to be cleaned up." Xiao Qiang looked at these equipment and was already thinking about how to use them.

Before the end of the world, Xiao Qiang had never seen so many arms, so after having fun in the warehouse alone for a long time, Xiao Qiang gradually calmed down.

After selecting some mines and taking some grenades, and putting all the arms in a military bag, Xiao Qiang slowly walked out of the warehouse. After coming out of the underground warehouse, Xiao Qiang shook the mechanical joystick again and quietly closed the door of the underground warehouse, and then walked towards the urban base.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, three military off-road vehicles slowly stopped at the third circle of the urban base. More than a dozen men wearing legion equipment got off the vehicles, carrying machine guns and standing in two rows. Three people got off the first vehicle, namely Huang Ri, the current leader of Tongjiang Base, with the strength of Level 8 Strongman, Qiao Tong with the strength of Level 7 Supernatural Power, and Wu Ze, who was Level 6 Strongman, whom Xiao Qiang had known before.

"Brother Huang Ri, I haven't seen you for a long time. Please come in quickly. You have worked hard all the way. Let's go inside and sit down." As soon as the few people got off the car, Li Zhong was smoking a cigarette, stretched out his hand and smiled at Huang Ri and said.

Huang Ri was a middle-aged man, not tall, but very strong, wearing a green military uniform.

"Why did you come out? Where is Brother Han? And why is there not even a legion here?" Huang Ri was very angry and did not give Li Zhong any face. He ignored his outstretched hand and questioned her.

Seeing this, Liu Xuan, who was standing behind Li Zhong, smiled evilly, playing with the dagger in his hand, and was about to rush up to Huang Ri. But Li Zhong raised his arm, signaling Liu Xuan not to act rashly.

"Brother Han was injured a few days ago, and now I am temporarily managing the base here. Let's not beat around the bush. I came here today to talk to you about merging the bases. Also, if you know the whereabouts of the arms and black gold, please let me know. Let's go inside and sit down and talk." Li Zhong smiled slightly, spoke to Huang Ri, and made a gesture of invitation.

"Hmph, let's discuss it here. It's safer here. I'm afraid we'll be blown up by the bombs you've placed there." Huang Ri snorted coldly, but stood where he was and spoke to Li Zhong.

"Fuck, what the hell are you doing? You are so shameless. I'm talking to you nicely, but you are so arrogant now. Do you want to be punished?" Before Li Zhong could speak, Liu Xuan behind him had already glared at Huang Ri with a dagger in his hand.

As Liu Xuan spoke, more than 50 hidden M company brothers suddenly jumped out from the nearby tents, armed with guns and ammunition, and surrounded Huang Ri and his dozen people in the middle.

Huang Ri turned his head slightly, looked at the people who came over, and said to Liu Xuan: "Save it, it's not your turn to speak here. Your M company is really a big deal, with ulterior motives. It's so easy to reveal clues. It seems that you really planned it in advance."

Seeing that the people he arranged in the third circle had come out, Li Zhong simply stopped pretending. He took out a cigar from his arms, slowly lit the cigar, and took a beautiful puff.

"Since that's the case, I won't waste my time talking to you. I believe you have already investigated our strength. You 10 or so people are no match for us. So now, either tell us the whereabouts of the supplies, or we will kill you all here." Li Zhong slowly paced between the two sides, smoking a cigar while speaking to Huang Ri's group, and he looked like he had Huang Ri and his group in his hands.

"Li Zhong, I really don't know where those supplies are. Since we know your conspiracy today, we are not here to drink tea with you. It seems that this battle today is inevitable." Huang Ri spread his hands and said to Li Zhong.

"Humph, if that's the case, I will let you end up with the same fate as Xujiang Base."

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