Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 360 The two sides meet (ask for the bookshelf!)

Hearing Huang Ri's words, Li Zhong dropped his cigar heavily to the ground and spoke to Huang Ri.

"Xujiang Base? It was you who did the Xujiang Base incident. Just because they didn't tell you the whereabouts of the supplies, you want to destroy their entire base." Huang Ri said angrily.

As Huang Ri spoke, many people stood up from the outer wall. They were led by Wang Peng, holding guns and pointing at Li Zhong and his team. Not only that, two military trucks drove in, and more than 50 people got off the trucks, aiming at Li Zhong and his team, and surrounded them.

"So what? Not only them, but also you, today I told you to stay here." Li Zhong raised his hand, ready to give orders, and spoke loudly to Huang Ri and his team.

"Wait, we have to fight. I still want to avenge you for destroying the Xujiang base. But don't be in a hurry. Before that, there is someone you need to see first." Huang Ri stopped Li Zhong and said to him.

Then, a man came out from behind Huang Ri, wearing a baseball cap, lowered his head, and slowly walked to the middle of the two people. Then, he slowly raised his head, slowly took off his baseball cap, and looked at the opposite side with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Qiang, it's Xiao Qiang! You really came to the city. You did all those things, right?" Before everyone spoke, Li Feng, who was standing in the distance surrounded by a group of people, had already recognized Xiao Qiang, and pointed at Xiao Qiang with a horrified face and said loudly.

The man was Xiao Qiang. After taking out the mines from the warehouse, Xiao Qiang carefully buried the mines everywhere. Afterwards, he met up with Huang Ri and his team early in the morning and mixed into Huang Ri and his team. Just now, Xiao Qiang stood behind Huang Ri, lowered his head, and wore a baseball cap. In addition, everyone's eyes were on Huang Ri, so no one noticed Xiao Qiang just now.

Li Zhong turned his head with some dissatisfaction and looked at Li Feng who was yelling, then turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiang and said: "You are Xiao Qiang? It seems that you have reached a cooperation. What are you doing here?"

Xiao Qiang also imitated Li Zhong's behavior just now, pacing back and forth between the two opposing groups with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, I am Xiao Qiang. You oppressed the people and cruelly killed your compatriots. For a batch of supplies, you actually destroyed the entire base. The entire good base was messed up by you. Of course, you dared to bully my parents." At this point, Xiao Qiang turned his head, his face was no longer smiling, and he looked at Li Feng's direction with a serious face, and a thunder-like gaze shot at Li Feng.

In the hot weather, Li Feng was caught by this gaze, and he was unconsciously sweating. In Li Feng's eyes, that gaze seemed like the gaze of a beast. Li Feng was a little scared, and his body kept retreating, shrinking behind the people who were protecting him.


"Ding, the host uses the raid skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 27/100."

Everyone felt a flash before their eyes, and Xiao Qiang had disappeared on the spot. Xiao Qiang knew that there were few strong men on his side, so he wanted to capture the king first. However, there were many strong men next to Li Zhong, and behind him were Liu Xuan and Zhang Jun, two strong men of level 7. Even Xiao Qiang was not sure that he could threaten Li Zhong with one blow. Therefore, Xiao Qiang chose to launch a surprise attack on Li Feng.

Xiao Qiang instantly arrived behind Li Feng, raised the bone spur dagger in his hand, and slashed at Li Feng's neck. The Level 4 Strongman guard beside Li Feng reacted quickly. He drew out his steel knife and blocked Xiao Qiang's dagger. At the same time, he pushed Li Feng away.

With a "clang" sound, the sharp bone spur dagger cut off the guard's ordinary steel knife, but it did not cut Li Feng. Xiao Qiang's attack missed, and he raised the bone spur dagger from bottom to top. He turned around and cut the little brother with the dagger, killing him. With just two moves, Xiao Qiang killed a Level 4 Strongman mutant, which was enough to show Xiao Qiang's strength.

When Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and was about to pull Li Feng, he suddenly felt the danger behind him, turned around, and stopped pulling Li Feng. With a "clang", the dagger collided with the weapon that stabbed him, and the two separated at the touch. After Xiao Qiang landed, he saw clearly that the person coming was Cheng Wen, who was a Level 9 Strongman. If Cheng Wen came, it would be impossible to rely on a surprise attack on Li Feng. And Li Feng, under the protection of a group of people, ran away.

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