Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 361 Xiao Qiang launches a surprise attack (ask for the bookshelf!)

Li Zhong saw Li Feng fleeing into the distance. After he was fine, he waved his hand and directed the people behind him: "Fight! Kill them."

"Click, click, click." In an instant, the two sides were fighting. Since the distance between the two sides was relatively close, dozens of people fell down as soon as they came up. The remaining people also hurriedly found bunkers to hide and shoot at each other.

Wu Ze was commanding here, and on the outer wall there were people led by Wang Peng and others who were constantly shooting from a distance. Soon, under the combined efforts of everyone, the younger brothers hiding in the tents in the third circle were almost outnumbered. However, in the first lap, there were hundreds of boys from Company M running towards this side.

On the other side, Wu Shan stood on top of the wall, holding a heavy machine gun in his hand, and kept shooting in the distance. At the same time, he pointed at the people from Company M in the distance and shouted: "Hit me, hard, and kill these bastards."

Although Wu Ze and Wu Shan are brothers, their personalities are very different. Wu Ze is a mature, steady and calm person. Even in such a chaotic situation, he can maintain a calm command and response. But Wu Shan is different. He has a fiery personality and is usually careless, but he is also very professional when commanding the army.

At this moment, Wu Shan, who was standing on top of the wall, finally let out a bad breath when he saw the normally arrogant personnel of Company M being suppressed by everyone's firepower and could only hide with their heads in their hands.

"Brother Shan, do you want to send someone to the intersection to block the people from Company M who have rushed to support? The situation here has basically stabilized. However, a large number of people from Company M will come soon." Wang Peng said from The other side ran along the wall. Because perception was turned on, Xiao Qiang also knew the general situation of the entire base. After sensing that many people were approaching, he held his crescent bow and ran towards Wu Shan. solicit opinions.

After speaking, Wang Peng directly took three arrows from his back, drew the bow and nocked the arrows, and with a "swish" sound, three powerful arrows were shot towards the crowd of Company M. Two of the arrows shot at the two younger brothers respectively. The remaining one shot at a boy who was holding up a grenade. With a "bang", the grenade exploded in the group of boys.

Wang Peng noticed the boy who was about to throw a grenade at the beginning. The other two arrows were just shot at the two boys. From here, it can also be seen that Wang Peng's archery skills are getting better and better. It is now very simple for Wang Peng to shoot three arrows at the same time.

"Brother, what a great arrow!" Wu Shan on the side saw this and shouted loudly at Wang Peng.

Three arrows were shot at the same time without too much aiming. Each arrow hit the enemy's head accurately. This kind of archery technique is indeed very commendable. Originally, when Wu Shan saw Wang Peng carrying a bow and arrow on his back, he was still a little curious as to why he didn't use a gun. After seeing Wang Peng's excellent archery skills, he finally understood.

"Brother, then you will lead 150 people to the road to block the attack. I will help you cover here. Once you arrive, occupy a high position, lay a good ambush, and attack the younger brothers." Wu Shan patted Wang Peng on the shoulder. Said loudly.

This time, there were about 300 people belonging to the Longshan base, including the legion. Except for the 100 people led by Wu Ze who were hiding behind the truck and shooting at the people of Company M, Wu Shan and the others only had 200 people left. Around 150 people were assigned to Wang Peng at one time. On the one hand, this is because the battle situation here is indeed not too tense and the pressure is relatively low. On the other hand, it is also because Xiao Qiang specifically stated that Wu Shan can trust Wang Peng.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Peng led 150 people and quickly moved towards the first circle with machine guns to stop the boys of Company M who Li Zhong and others had arranged in advance in the first circle.

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