Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 362: Fight! (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Everyone, fight harder and provide cover for Wang Peng and his brothers. Wu Shan jumped onto the truck, firing and yelling at the remaining people.

Soon, with the strong firepower support of Wu Shan and his men, Wang Peng, Wang Lei and his men had reached the intersection of the second and first circles. From a distance, the younger brothers of M Company could be seen running towards this side under the leadership of the team leader.

Looking at the houses on both sides of the road, they were not very high, and the tallest one was only two stories high.

"Everyone, quickly climb to the roof, occupy the high position, and ambush the enemy. "Wang Peng observed for a while, and then gave instructions to everyone.

Watching everyone moving upstairs quickly, I saw that the people in the legion quickly divided into two teams. One group of people first leaned against the walls of the houses with only one floor, and the others sprinted and climbed up the houses that were two or three meters high by stepping on the shoulders of those people. The people who climbed up to the roof of the house also stretched out their hands and pulled the people standing downstairs up.

The two groups of people cooperated very well, and their movements were also smooth and there was no delay at all. The speed was faster than those who walked up the stairs. It seems that they often train together in normal times, so they are so skilled.

Wang Peng was also surprised to watch from the side. While admiring them, he had already thought of going back to suggest Xiao Qiang to train the people in the base, and it would be best if the people in their legion could cooperate with each other like this.

After seeing that almost everyone had reached the roof, Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to Wang Lei behind him: "Let's go up too. "

As the people from the first circle of M Company approached, the battle soon began. Wang Peng could clearly feel that the combat effectiveness of the brothers in the first circle was obviously much higher than those just now. It seemed that they were also Li Zhong's elite troops. These brothers were not only well-armed, but also mixed with some powerful people of low level. Although Wang Peng and his team took the lead in occupying the high ground, the two sides fought more intensely.

The people on both sides had already started to exchange fire, and the top masters were naturally not idle. Those bullets and the like still could not hurt them, and both sides were also hitting each other with cold weapons.

After Huang Ri told Wu Ze a word, he saw the position where Li Zhong and his team were hiding far away, and he was ready to go alone to kill them first.

With a "squeak", Huang Ri rushed out from the back of the truck. His figure was like a cannonball. With the strength of a strong man at level 8, he was extremely fast. The bullets fired by the machine guns It was completely incapable of hurting a person with the strength of a strong man of level 8. Huang Ri's weapon was a heavy machete, which looked very heavy, but when Huang Ri held it in his hand, it was like holding a kitchen knife. Huang Ri dragged the long machete upside down on the ground, cutting a long path on the cement floor, making a "creaking" sound.

Zhang Jun was originally guarding Li Zhong and his men, and saw Huang Ri rushing over. He pulled out a short fork from his waist, said nothing, did a front flip, blocked in front of Li Zhong and others, and rushed forward with the short fork to meet Huang Ri.

Just as the two were about to fight, suddenly, a broad-bodied man rushed out from behind Huang Ri, who was not very tall. This man did not run as fast as Huang Ri, but he just ran with Huang Ri. He was Qiao Tong, a level 7 supernatural power from Tongjiang Base.

"Don't think about stopping my brother Huang, your opponent is me. "From a distance, Qiao Tong swung his chubby body and yelled at Qiao Tong.

"Human Bomb Chariot!"

Qiao Tong shouted and used his supernatural power. Qiao Tong's body was bent, and his whole body formed a circle. He came from the back to the front, rushing towards Zhang Jun, stirring up a layer of mud on the road, and his speed was faster than Huang Ri.

After his body was bent into a ball, Qiao Tong rolled forward, and soon surpassed Huang Ri, blocking Huang Ri in front, and accurately crashed into Zhang Jun's body. The posture was really like a round car, and it could turn freely.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak", Qiao Tong's fat body was about to hit Zhang Jun's body.

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