Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 363 Human Bomb Chariot (ask for the bookshelf!)

At the critical moment, Zhang Jun was also surprised. He didn't expect Qiao Tong to reach him so fast after using his superpower. He quickly took a step back and held his two black gold steel forks across his chest to block Qiao Tong's fat body from hitting him.

With a "bang", the two collided hard, and Zhang Jun blocked Qiao Tong's body in front of his chest. Qiao Tong's body couldn't move forward, but he saw the ball formed by Qiao Tong's body, like a top, spinning in place, and pushing forward, colliding with Qiao Tong's black gold steel fork, "Zi Zi Zi" "Zhi" turned out to be some sparks popping out. As Qiao Tong's body continued to spin, a deep ravine was made on the solid cement floor. Even Zhang Jun, pushed by Qiao Tong's body, kept moving towards the back. Retreat.

After taking two steps back, Xiao Qiang pushed his right leg back hard, and with a "kick", Zhang Jun stepped out of the concrete floor and flew towards the house behind. , with a "click" sound, the stone was embedded in the wall of the house. From here, we can also see how much strength Zhang Jun used. Zhang Jun stood with his legs firmly on the spot, blocking Qiao Tong's figure.

After all, Zhang Jun is also a level 7 strongman. Just now, he was driven by Qiao Tong's impact and took a few steps back. Now that he has stabilized his body, he and Qiao Tong can remain in a stalemate.

After the two were in a stalemate for a while, Qiao Tong stepped back, stood up, and returned to his original state. With Qiao Tong fighting against Zhang Jun here, Zhang Jun would naturally be unable to stop Huang Ri.

Seeing this, Huang Ri dragged his machete and rushed forward, heading straight for Li Zhong's position.

Seeing this, the boys had already raised their machine guns and shot at Huang Ri. However, Huang Ri was very fast and used the machete to block, so the bullets could not hurt Huang Ri's body at all. .

Soon, Huang Ri rushed forward, and Li Zhong hurriedly backed away under the protection of the people around him. The younger brother next to him was wielding various weapons and attacking Huang Ri. However, with Huang Ri's level 8 strength, these young men would never be his opponents. After turning slightly to avoid a gun butt, Huang Ri slashed the machete from bottom to top, killing the two younger brothers with one blow. Huang Ri's sword skills are also powerful and heavy. In addition, his sword is also very heavy. Those younger brothers dare not fight with him head-on. Being in the group of those younger brothers is like chopping melons and vegetables. While killing, he Keep getting closer to Li Zhong's position.

Liu Xuan, who was in the distance, saw this and pinched the neck of a legionnaire with his left hand. The dagger in his right hand made a circle and cut across the man's neck. A lot of blood immediately spurted out from the man's neck. There were blood stains, and the body was sliding softly towards the ground.

Under the leadership of Wu Ze and Wu Shan, the more than 100 young men led by Liu Xuan gradually became unable to hold on any longer. Seeing the people from the legion approaching, Liu Xuan saw this and gave an order, asking his younger brother to rush forward and engage in close combat with the people from the legion. He also jumped up first.

After pushing the man from the legion away, Liu Xuan looked away from Huang Ri, who wanted to rush over and kill Li Zhong. He held the ordinary steel dagger in his hand with his thumb and index finger, and used his wrist lightly. With a slight shake, the dagger shot straight towards Huang Ri's back.

Seeing this, Wu Ze next to him flew up and kicked a boy from Company M aside. Then, he quickly picked up the machine gun in his hand, and after holding it firmly, he held the machine gun in the direction of the dagger, moved his arm quickly, and at the same time, kept pulling the trigger, shooting at the dagger.

"Da" "Da" "Da" bullets kept flying forward, and with a "dang" sound, one of the bullets accurately hit the ordinary steel dagger, knocking the dagger to the ground.

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