Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 364: Each finds an opponent (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Don't bother Brother Huang Ri. Get through me first. After Wu Ze fired, he saw Liu Xuan trying to stop Huang Ri. Wu Ze jumped in front of Liu Xuan and said to Liu Xuan.

"Go away, little bastard, or I'll kill you too." Liu Xuan took out his black gold dagger, held it in his backhand, tilted his head, shook it, pointed at Wu Ze and said.

"Wu Shan, I'll let you take command now. Lead the people to clean up this side quickly. After the cleanup is completed, lead the people to Wang Peng's side to support. They are too strong on the opposite side, with many people and heavy firepower. I can't beat him." Wu Ze ignored Liu Xuan, but turned to Wu Shan while holding the machine gun.

"Fuck, you're looking for death." Liu Xuan said fiercely when he saw that Wu Ze was ignoring him and even pulled out the Mei Feng dagger Xiao Qiang gave him.

Throwing the two daggers into the air in front of him, Liu Xuan ran two steps, held the daggers in both hands, stepped forward with his legs, and ran towards Wu Ze.

Seeing this, Wu Ze picked up the machine gun, pulled the trigger continuously, and shot at Liu Xuan's body. But he saw that Liu Xuan's body was like a gust of wind, very fast, with an evil smile on his face. Those bullets could not hurt Liu Xuan at all. Holding the dagger in both hands, he rushed to Wu Ze in an instant.

When Wu Ze saw this, he raised the machine gun in his hand and hit Liu Xuan on the head. Liu Xuan kept his forward posture, jumped up, and with a "squeak" sound, the Mei Feng dagger in his hand was directed at Wu Ze's machine gun. At the same time, the black gold dagger in his left hand was slightly turned, and a dagger was pointed at Wu Ze. Liu Xuan's neck was scratched. Wu Ze quickly dodged and raised his arms to protect his neck. The two of them passed each other, and Liu Xuan flew over Wu Ze's head. With a "dang" sound, white light flashed past, and the machine gun in Wu Ze's hand was cut in half, leaving a neat cut. At the same time, Wu Ze's arm was also scratched. There was a long gash, and blood dripped down from the wound.

Wu Ze took a look at his wound. Just from this fight, Wu Ze knew that Liu Xuan was already very proficient in using daggers, and his level was still higher than his own. He was no match for Liu Xuan. However, thinking that Huang Ri had already rushed towards Li Zhong behind him, if he didn't pester Liu Xuan here, then Huang Ri would definitely not be able to deal with Li Zhong over there.

Turning his head slightly to look at Huang Ri's side, Wu Ze took out a black gold military thorn from his waist and held it in his hand. He stared at Liu Xuan in front of him and flashed past. A hint of determination. It seems that Wu Ze has made up his mind to stop Liu Xuan here. Even if he loses, he must delay it as much as possible.

The two soon fought together. Although Wu Ze had the upper hand, Wu Ze had a certain death mentality. When fighting Liu Xuan, he spared no effort and launched constant attacks on Liu Xuan.

On the other side, after Huang Ri killed the younger brothers surrounding him, he looked up and saw that Li Zhong and his son had fled some distance away. Huang Ri snorted coldly. This time, he stopped blabbering and used his legs to exert force. He jumped up high and took advantage of the forward posture to slash Li Zhong's back with one knife. Seeing that Huang Ri's machete was about to hit Li Zhong's body, suddenly, a man came out of the diagonal stab. He was holding a black gold spear. He blocked Huang Ri's machete with one spear and made a loud sound. There was a loud "dang" sound.

The two were separated as soon as they touched each other. Huang Ri took two steps back, but felt a dull pain in his jaw. Looking forward, I saw that the man was unkempt, his clothes were full of holes, and he was wearing a pair of torn tourist shoes. He held the black gold spear behind his back, blocked Li Zhong and others, and made a fighting gesture. His posture faced Huang Ri. This person is none other than Cheng Wen, who is a level 9 expert.

"Where are you beggars? Get out of the way and don't block the road." Huang Ri pointed his machete forward and said to Cheng Wen.

Because before, Cheng Wen was partly because of his lack of appearance, and partly because of his withdrawn personality. Therefore, after Li Zhong took him to the base in the city, he let him live in that building alone. He would not take him with him when there were usually meetings or the like. That Huang Ri was not from Lujiang Base, so it was normal that he had not been seen before.

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