Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 365 Taking Back the Dagger (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"If you want to fight, then fight. Why waste words?" Cheng Wen himself was a man who didn't like to talk. After hearing Huang Ri's words, he pointed the spear in his hand forward and spoke to Huang Ri without saying much.

As they spoke, the two of them started to fight. Although Cheng Wen looked sloppy on the outside, he was a real 9th-level warrior. The weapons of the two were heavy and large, so the fight between the two of them was the most lively. The "crackling" sound was heard non-stop. Li Zhong and his men also hid far away. Even a house next to them was chopped to pieces by the two of them, and the house was about to fall apart. Every blow of the two's weapons collided heavily, and soon the two of them were sweating profusely.

On this side, the three top combat forces of Tongjiang Base all found their opponents. Except for Qiao Tong who could fight Zhang Jun on equal terms, the other two sides were slightly at a disadvantage. Especially on the side where Wu Ze was, because Because Liu Xuan's moves were all vicious and fast, the fight between Wu Ze and Liu Xuan was also full of dangers. Wu Ze had already had many wounds on his body, but none of them were very serious.

At this time, Xiao Qiang was still standing on the big tree. After touching the switch of the landmine just now, Xiao Qiang originally wanted to rush up and capture Li Zhong or Li Feng. However, just as he was about to move, he felt a strong breath locking on him. It felt like he knew someone was pointing a gun at his head. As long as he dared to act rashly, that person would rush over. Moreover, not only that, Xiao Qiang felt very depressed. That powerful force brought him a great sense of oppression. If he went over to help, that person would definitely take action.

Xiao Qiang followed the breath and looked over. He saw a man in his 60s standing on the top of the building in the first circle in the distance, looking towards him.

"That person should be Old Wu. "Xiao Qiang looked in the direction of the man and thought to himself.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and they were both deadlocked in place. The sun was scorching in the sky, and soon beads of sweat fell on Xiao Qiang's head. Xiao Qiang did not attack casually, because he felt that the man in front of him was very powerful. If he attacked rashly, the man would probably be difficult to deal with if he attacked later.

However, Xiao Qiang also noticed the situation on the field. The strong man on his side did not have the upper hand, and after Wang Peng and his team faced the younger brothers of M Company led by the strong man, they could not suppress them as before.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, Xiao Qiang noticed that Wu Ze was the most uncomfortable among them. Facing the tricky moves Liu Xuan, whose strength is one level higher than his. Suddenly, Liu Xuan stabbed with a dagger, and Wu Ze was beaten by Liu Xuan, and Liu Xuan kicked him, and the whole person fell to the ground. Liu Xuan showed an evil smile on his face, holding two daggers in his hands, and was about to rush up to kill Wu Ze.

In the critical moment, Xiao Qiang saw this scene on the tree, and he didn't care about Wu Lao. He believed that relying on his own skills, Wu Lao would not have time to stop him. Even if he stopped him, he would have to take action. Although he could feel Wu Lao's strength before the fight, he would know who was more powerful after the fight. After all, although you are at a higher level, Xiao Qiang has more skills and treasures.

"Raid! "Thinking of this, and seeing Wu Ze falling, Xiao Qiang used his frequently used surprise attack technique.

This technique is also Xiao Qiang's favorite technique. When he first got it, it helped him deal with a level 4 zombie. The biggest advantage of this technique is that within a distance of dozens of meters, Xiao Qiang can quickly move behind that person in an instant. Even if some strong people react quickly and cannot hurt them, this move is still a great threat to the enemy.

"Ding, the host uses the surprise attack skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 27/100. "

Listening to the system's prompt, the tree swayed slightly, and the leaves made a "swishing" sound. Xiao Qiang had disappeared from the tree. In the blink of an eye, he was already behind Liu Xuan. He raised his hand high, holding the bone spur dagger taken out from the system. The dagger turned between his fingers and was about to stab behind Liu Xuan.

Liu Xuan's dagger was about to reach Wu Ze, but suddenly he felt a gust of wind behind him, and a chill came over him.

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