Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 366: Mr. Wu appears (ask for bookshelf!)

At the critical moment, he didn't care about taking Wu Ze's life. He twisted his body and turned to the back. In a hurry, he held the black gold dagger with his left hand to block Xiao Qiang's bone spur dagger. After the collision, there was a crisp metal collision sound.

One dagger blocked Xiao Qiang's bone spur dagger, and the other hand held the Meifeng dagger and went straight to Xiao Qiang's throat. However, Xiao Qiang was faster. He stretched out his five fingers like pliers and grabbed Liu Xuan's wrist. With a little force, he held Liu Xuan's palm backwards. Liu Xuan only felt a very painful feeling in his arm.

"Ah", Liu Xuan couldn't help but screamed in pain. He wanted to struggle back and forth but couldn't get out of Xiao Qiang's five fingers. With a "clang", the Meifeng dagger in Liu Xuan's hand fell out of his hand and fell to the ground. Xiao Qiang pinched Liu Xuan's wrist, kicked up and kicked Liu Xuan aside.

Wu Ze also quickly got up from the ground, Xiao Qiang bent down and was about to pick up the Meifeng dagger from the ground.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiang felt that there was an object behind him flying towards him at high speed. In a hurry, Xiao Qiang only had time to slightly turn his body to the left. With a "swish", Xiao Qiang saw from the corner of his eye that a white object brushed Xiao Qiang's clothes and shot towards the back at a high speed, opening a hole on Xiao Qiang's clothes.

Then, Xiao Qiang noticed that the white object actually hit the body of a car next to him directly, and with a "dang", the white object had already sunk into the iron sheet of the car.

Before Xiao Qiang had time to carefully look at what the white object was, he felt a "swish" sound behind him, and there were bursts of breaking wind. Without thinking too much, Xiao Qiang pulled Wu Ze over, jumped to the side and hid behind the car next to him.

Looking up at the opposite side, I saw many white discs with smooth surface and sharp edges coming densely towards this camp in the direction of my side. At the same time, Xiao Qiang saw that the direction from which these white objects were shot was exactly the rooftop where Wu Lao was standing. It seemed that he had used his supernatural power.

"Get out of the way, hide." Xiao Qiang shouted loudly at the legion people who were still standing in the empty space.

Some people who reacted quickly had already noticed the white discs flying over and hurriedly hid behind trucks or trees. Of course, many of them did not have time to dodge and were penetrated by those dense discs. For a while, those discs were faster than bullets and had a stronger lethality.

Xiao Qiang broke off a car door and threw it casually, blocking several legion people. For a while, those white objects hit the car door, making a "dangdangdang" sound, and the car door was full of holes in an instant. However, many people were still hit by the white discs. In an instant, many people fell down in the whole venue, and the open space was almost covered with the white objects. At the same time, Xiao Qiang smelled a strong smell of candles. He carefully looked at the white discs that were shot over and found that they were really made of candles.

The awakening level 1 Wu Lao, his ability turned out to be candles.

Looking at the white candles covering the ground and the car, so many candles at this time are just like gasoline.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang shouted loudly to the crowd: "Everyone, get out of here, hurry up."

As Xiao Qiang said, everyone hurried to evacuate to the back.

At this moment, with a "bang", a bullet hit the ground and attacked. The bullet hit the ground and the sparks produced by the concrete floor instantly ignited the candles. With a "bang", the trucks were directly detonated.

Most of the people in the surrounding legions, and even some of the younger brothers of M Company, were affected by the explosion. At the moment of the explosion, Wu Ze rushed to Wu Shan at full speed and pulled him far away, thus avoiding the explosion. Liu Xuan, who was standing by, had already jumped several times when the white matter was shooting at him, and had already hidden in a nearby building.

Because Liu Xuan knew that Old Wu would not care whether you were from M Company or not. In Old Wu's eyes, those with low strength were like ants.

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