Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 367 Wang Peng shows off his skills (ask for bookshelf!)

Moreover, this Wu Laozhen is worthy of being a strong man with level 1 awakening. As soon as he takes action, while the person is still far away, most of Xiao Qiang's combat effectiveness is damaged.

Mr. Wu is short and thin, with a goatee mustache on his chin. Wearing a loose sportswear, he was dressed like those old men exercising in the park. If it were before the end of the world, no one would connect him with this murderous demon.

"Wu Ze, I'll leave it to you to take command here. I'll deal with that Mr. Wu." Just now, an explosion sounded. Xiao Qiang lifted the two people out of the explosion, walked over and said to Wu Ze.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang glanced firmly in the direction of Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu was too powerful, and Xiao Qiang did not expect that the awakening-level superpowers could be so powerful, and that they could reach such a distance from such a long distance. Use such a large-scale killing move. It seems that I have to stop him quickly, and I can't fight too far away from Mr. Wu, because the strong men on my side are too weak. If the fight is too far away, I won't be able to support them at any time.

At this time, Wang Peng and Wang Lei were fighting fiercely with the boys from Company M who came from the first circle. Among them, Wang Lei was fighting with a strong level 3 squad leader. With his solid strength, Wang Lei was able to faintly suppress the younger brother. There was an explosion. Wang Peng also noticed the explosion on Wu Ze's side, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Because just now, Wang Peng had noticed that Wu Ze was having difficulty dealing with Liu Xuan.

He took out a bow and arrow from his back, put it on the crescent bow, and tried his best. Wang Peng, who looked thin from the outside, had high bulges in his muscles and was very strong.

He fully drew the bow string, put his face close to the crescent bow, closed one eye slightly, and sank into his mind, slowly aiming at the place where Wang Lei and the strong level 3 squad leader were fighting. Although the two men were not very powerful, they were very fast when they fought. Wang Peng's talent was this shooting. When he got serious at this moment, he felt that his whole body and this crescent moon bow were one. With a "swipe" sound, Wang Peng loosened the tightly stretched bowstring, and a bow and arrow made of fine steel came out of the string. With a "swish", it instantly passed by the corner of Wang Lei's clothes, and then It was a bow and arrow that penetrated the chest of the named boy who was confronting Wang Lei. The boy was already a bit beaten by Wang Lei and was a little weak. He was shot by Wang Peng's powerful arrow and flew backwards.

When Wang Lei saw this, he turned around and saw that it was Wang Peng who did it, and gave a thumbs up in Wang Peng's direction. Then, he grasped the ax in his hand, jumped forward high, and called the younger brother who was lying on the ground. He was rolling in pain. Wang Lei's ax had already arrived in front of him, and he was killed with one stroke of the ax. .

After shooting an arrow, it can be seen that this arrow also consumed a lot of Wang Peng's mental energy. Wiping the sweat on his forehead, he said to Wang Lei: "I will take command here. You go over there and help Wu Ze. He is having a hard time dealing with Liu Xuan."

"Yeah, okay." Wang Lei doesn't talk much on weekdays, but he is honest and has a good relationship with Wang Peng and others.

As he spoke, Wang Lei wiped his sweat and ran in the direction of Wu Ze.

On Wu Ze's side, after Xiao Qiang confessed to Wu Ze, he disappeared with a swipe. Wu Ze was not surprised anymore, because he had just seen Xiao Qiang suddenly appear behind Liu Xuan. But what surprised Wu Ze was that Xiao Qiang's strength had grown to such a level in just a few short months. You know, when I first met Xiao Qiang at Longshan Base, he was only at the level 4 of a strong person.

"Ding, the host uses the surprise skill, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 28/100."

After Wu Lao used his special ability, he curled his lips and looked at the people running around below, curling his lips and smiling slightly proudly. However, at this moment, Mr. Wu keenly felt that a person appeared behind him and pounced towards him.

"This guy's skills are a bit weird. Although his level is not very good, his skills are still good." When Xiao Qiang used the surprise skill to reach behind Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu had already discovered that in his heart While feeling strange about Xiao Qiang's technique, he couldn't help but think about it.

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