Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 37: Rescue at the Gas Station

In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang led Wang Liang, Li Chong and Yang Xue to the gas station to look for gasoline. Xiao Qiang would choose to leave one or two members of the combat team behind every time he went out. This was also to prevent zombies from appearing at home. Even if it appeared once, the consequences would not be something Xiao Qiang could bear. Wang Peng and Lin Bingyan had been to the village in the morning, and Xiao Qiang intended to let them rest at home.

Several people drove on the expressway. There were still cars parked crookedly on the roadside, but there were almost no moving vehicles. Zombies wearing various clothes were wandering everywhere on the road. Xiao Qiang thought that when there was a chance, he must get a few more cars on the road.

In a moment, several people drove to the gas station mentioned by Yang Xue. After parking, several people quickly got off the car to clean up the zombies.

This is a small and medium-sized gas station with two rows, four refueling nozzles, and a room inside.

When Xiao Qiang got out of the car, Wang Liang and Li Chong had already cleared the zombies scattered around the gas station. Li Chong was really strong. A fire axe in his hand was like a stick, and he wanted to chop the zombies apart. Xiao Qiang estimated that even with his current strength, he might not be Li Chong's opponent in a simple competition of strength. At the same time, he was even more curious about the power brought by the white light.

There were only three empty barrels in the car. Wang Liang and Li Chong were each guarding a machine to fill the barrels with oil. While this was going on, Xiao Qiang pulled out his dagger and went to the house with Yang Xue to look for empty barrels.

Pushing the iron door, Xiao Qiang found a lock hanging on the door. The situation here seemed to be normal business, and then the zombies suddenly broke out, but how could the door be locked in time?

Suspicious, Xiao Qiang cut the lock with a knife and entered the house. He did not find any zombies. Except for a row of collapsed shelves, the rest were intact.

Xiao Qiang saw a lot of empty barrels piled up in the corner, and was about to take them when he heard a noise coming from the small warehouse in the compartment.

Xiao Qiang held the bone spur dagger tightly in his backhand, blocked Yang Xue behind him, gently opened the door with his left hand, and raised the dagger in his hand high.

"Wow", Xiao Qiang just opened the door and heard a cry. I saw some engineer shovels, fire axes and fire extinguishers piled up in the warehouse of less than 5 square meters.

A little girl was standing next to the door, wearing a floral skirt and a pink jacket. She was squatting on the ground, burying her head in her knees and crying loudly.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly put away the dagger, patted the little girl on the shoulder and whispered: "Little friend, don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

Unexpectedly, the little girl cried even louder when she heard Xiao Qiang's words.

Xiao Qiang seemed a little at a loss for a moment. Yang Xue patted Xiao Qiang and said, "You go out first, I'll take a look."

Xiao Qiang had no choice but to turn around and walk out of the warehouse, holding two oil barrels to help fill the oil. After coming out, he told the two about what happened to the little girl.

After a while, Yang Xue came out holding a little girl. There were still tears in her big eyes, and there were two black handprints on her little face. She was sobbing in Yang Xue's arms.

Xiao Qiang walked up, touched the little girl's head, smiled as much as possible and said, "Little friend, what's your name?"

Unexpectedly, the little girl screamed "Wow" again, turned her head and got into Yang Xue's arms.

This scene made Wang Liang and the other two laugh. Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly, walked aside, and carried the gasoline himself.

On the return trip, the few people finally found out the origin of the little girl.

The girl's name is Chen Shutong. On the afternoon of the zombie outbreak, she was driving with her parents from her grandmother's home to Lujiang City. When they arrived at a gas station, cars suddenly crashed on the road and this man-eating monster also jumped out. Unfortunately, her parents were bitten. In order to protect the girl, they locked her in the gas station warehouse.

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