Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 38 Xiao Shutong and the uncle

It is hard to imagine how a 7-year-old girl, who relies on food from gas stations, listens to the howling of zombies outside every day and night, and has to endure the pain of losing her parents, can survive these difficult days.

So when Xiao Qiang opened the door of the warehouse and held a dagger, Xiao Shutong was so scared that she couldn't help crying.

In the car, Yang Xue stroked the little girl's head and said, "Xiao Shutong, we are also survivors of this disaster like you. We have a home with many older brothers and sisters, who are all very good people, of course, except for the uncle sitting in front of you."

Yang Xue rarely put away her cold face and showed her kind side, and did not forget to tease Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang was also very depressed when he heard Yang Xue call him uncle and said that he was a bad person, but he was afraid of scaring Xiao Shutong, so he simply closed his eyes and rested in the car without saying a word.

Back at the villa, everyone liked the new little Shu Tong very much. Yes, the little girl was cute and quirky, so she was naturally likable.

Several girls naturally helped Xiao Shu Tong wash and dress up together. Among them, Yang Xue and Lin Bingyan also cooperated rarely. Others took advantage of this gap to unload a pickup truck full of gasoline to the warehouse. Seeing the gasoline filling up half of the warehouse, Xiao Qiang felt a little relieved. He didn't have to worry about gasoline in the short term. After all, gasoline is a consumable, and it's always good to save more.

At night, the sky gradually darkened. Xiao Qiang turned on the light switch. The large European-style chandelier in the living room emitted a bright light. Xiao Qiang and Wang Liang and several boys sat on the sofa and enjoyed the light in the night. Everyone hasn't enjoyed the light at night for too long, and now they are a little intoxicated by it.

Outside the house, Aunt Wang and others were still busy cooking on the firewood pile. Because the gas stove is not gas yet, it can't be used.

At this time, Xiao Shutong came out after washing up, and Xiao Qiang could see Xiao Shutong's appearance clearly. She had some European and American style, with a tall nose under big glasses.

He walked up to Xiao Qiang and said, "Uncle, I know you are not a bad person, and Sister Bingyan said you are amazing and a hero!"

Xiao Qiang looked at Xiao Shutong with a surprised look on his face, and then saw Lin Bingyan looking at him with a smile, and then he realized that it was Lin Bingyan who said good things for him, and nodded to Lin Bingyan gratefully.

Looking at Xiao Shutong with a smile, Xiao Qiang reached out and touched the little girl's head, and said, "I am not a big hero, I just do what I want to do. Also, I am not an uncle, I am also a big brother."

"Uncle is an uncle, you are not a big brother." Xiao Shutong repeated again and again, and the sweet baby voice made several people in the room laugh.

"But uncle, thank you for helping me kill those monsters and saving me from that dark warehouse. I haven't seen so many people for a long time." Xiao Shutong is only 7 years old, but he speaks like an adult.

He should be in his parents' arms at this age, but he fell into this disaster for no reason. He is so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

Xiao Qiang slowly stroked Xiao Shutong's hair, squatted down and said to Xiao Shutong softly: "Don't worry, from today on, uncle promises you that he will protect you well, ensure that you will not be hurt again, and no longer let you hide in the dark alone."

When the other people in the room heard this, they looked at Xiao Qiang, but there was a hint of affirmation and relief in their eyes.

"Then uncle, let's make a pinky promise." Xiao Shutong stretched out his thumb and index finger, blinked his big eyes and looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Okay, pinky promise." A big hand and a small hand, the index fingers are connected, and the thumbs collide tightly together.

"Come out and eat! The meal is ready!" Aunt Wang shouted to the young people in the house.

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