Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 39: Designated personnel to kill zombies

For dinner today, Aunt Wang cooked porridge and steamed buns, and then used the last few vegetables to stir-fry two dishes. The rest was some supermarket food.

During the meal, Wang Liang suggested that everyone drink some wine, first to welcome Xiao Shutong to join, and second to celebrate that the Longshan base finally had electricity.

Xiao Qiang took out drinks and two bottles of white wine and poured them for everyone one by one. "Bang" everyone's glasses clinked together. Xiao Qiang took advantage of not being drunk yet and looked at the people eating and said: "Kangzhuang Village is only a few thousand meters away from our Longshan base, and it is also an important source of materials for us to fight for. But there is a long-tongued zombie hovering around. If the long-tongued zombie is not eliminated, it will be difficult to enter the village, so I plan to get rid of this zombie tomorrow."

"No problem. Brother Qiang, I must go for this matter. That day I saw this long-tongued monster for the first time. I watched this monster kill several fellow villagers in a row, but I was powerless. This time I must avenge this." Li Chong heard that Xiao Qiang decided to kill the long-tongued zombie and said bitterly.

"But this long-tongued zombie is really powerful. We still have to be more careful. Who will go there tomorrow?" Lin Bingyan asked a question.

This question made Xiao Qiang feel troubled. The three old people, Xiao Shutong and Li Wei were almost unable to deal with the zombies. A young man had to be left in the villa just in case. Xiao Qiang had a habit. Once he determined that something was necessary, he would insist on doing it even if there was no effect. According to the current situation, he, Li Chong and Wang Peng must go. Among the three, Xiao Qiang is more comprehensive, Li Chong focuses on strength, and Wang Peng, needless to say, has outstanding shooting ability.

"I'll stay at home." Xiao Qiang didn't expect that Wang Liang actually took the initiative to ask.

It turned out that Wang Liang himself also realized that in the end of the world, he had no awakening ability and was a little powerless. Fortunately, Wang Liang was also an open-minded person. He thought that as long as he could provide help to everyone, everyone would be united and happy.

"Well, then I'll leave the house to Brother Liang. We'll get some machine guns later, and we'll shoot these zombies together." Xiao Qiang was a little moved, and he felt relieved to leave the house to Wang Liang to take care of him, so he said to Wang Liang.

In fact, Xiao Qiang also wanted to take Wang Liang with him, but compared with the two, Wang Liang was the best candidate.

"I want to go!" Before Xiao Qiang chose anyone, Lin Bingyan took the initiative to ask to go, and shook the pistol in her hand.

"Okay, then it's me, Wang Peng, Li Chong and Lin Bingyan." While speaking, she also cast an inquiring look at Yang Xue.

"I'll go too!" Yang Xue still spoke in a cold tone, leaving no room for doubt.

"This time is different from the past. I can't win against the long-tongued zombies. We need to be extremely careful this time. At the same time, we must try to do it according to our method." Xiao Qiang's words were mostly said to Yang Xue. In fact, Xiao Qiang always felt that Yang Xue was a little mysterious. But as far as we know, Yang Xue has no weapons, no abilities, and has never learned Taekwondo like Lin Bingyan.

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back. Also, I've been looking for the pistol for a while now." Yang Xue said directly, and glanced at the pistol in Lin Bingyan's hand with a meaningful look.

"Alas, when I level up again, I'll quickly give Yang Xue a gun, otherwise I'll be jealous to death." Xiao Qiang thought to himself.

"Come on, let's have another one. I wish you a successful start tomorrow and a safe return." Wang Liang looked at the two women who were about to quarrel and spoke to Xiao Qiang to help.

"Come on, let's drink more for the first time." Everyone hurriedly agreed. Lin Bingyan glanced at Yang Xue and raised her drink to clink glasses with everyone.

Wang Liang and Uncle Cui are both wine lovers. Driven by the two of them, the atmosphere of the whole meal was quickly brought to a climax. Everyone was also telling their own interesting stories and experiences before the end of the world. The relationship between everyone became closer. No wonder some people say that wine is a bridge for communication.

Soon, the two bottles of white wine were empty. Although Wang Peng is thin, he can drink quite well.

Seeing that the bottle was empty, he said, "Let's get more wine after we kill the long-tongued zombie tomorrow, and then we can drink to our heart's content."

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was not good at drinking, was already dazed and about to fall asleep. Several people couldn't help but complain. They didn't expect that Xiao Qiang's strength had become stronger, but his alcohol tolerance was so weak.

There was no choice, Li Chong directly carried Xiao Qiang to the bedroom. After the other people packed up, they also went to their own rooms to sleep. Among them, Yang Xue and Xiao Shutong slept in the same bedroom.

Late at night, whether it was because of the alcohol or out of worry about tomorrow, Xiao Qiang tossed and turned, and had the same dream of fighting zombies all night long. When he woke up in the morning, the sweat on his head had wet the pillowcase.

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