Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 40 Ambush Zombies

In the morning, Kangzhuang Village.

This is a relatively empty area, with a few stone pillars standing alone on the ground. The village originally planned to set up a transformer here, but for some reason it was delayed, and these stone pillars were not removed.

At this time, the village has long become a world of zombies, and there is no sign of human activity.

In the corner of the street, a female zombie has her hair spread out, her clothes are already dirty and messy, and her tattered clothes cover her half-exposed chest. Some of her hands, which are exposed to the bones, are raised in front of her chest, with sharp claws protruding. The neck of the whole body still shows signs of being bitten, and the head is tilted forward. As if hearing something, the eyeballs turned, and then ran forward.

With a "bang", just after turning the corner, the whole body flew backwards. A tall and strong zombie with a thick body and a burly figure also appeared at the corner of the street. The shoes on his feet had long disappeared, and the zombie's feet were extremely large. Every time he took a step, the whole street made a dull sound. It was this zombie just now, waving his giant palm and slapping the female zombie away. The burly zombie heard a noise on the left, turned his head, and let out a low roar from his throat.

Suddenly, a fast object like a rope attacked the burly zombie directly. The burly zombie's huge body flew directly to the side and hit the window next to it, and the glass shattered all over the floor. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a layer of fine scratches on the arm that was hit. On the side, on the street, a crawling zombie slowly crawled to the corner of the street, "hissing" and spitting out the long tongue in his mouth. The whole tongue kept coming out and hitting the surrounding buildings. This was the long-tongued zombie that Xiao Qiang and his friends wanted to kill this time.

The long-tongued zombie just turned the corner, and with a "whoosh" sound, a sharp arrow was aimed directly at the back of the zombie's head. The long tongue was directly extended, and it went around the back of the head, breaking the sharp arrow with one blow, and it broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

It was Wang Peng who shot the sharp arrow. One of the key points in Xiao Qiang's plan was to choose this place as an ambush site. Therefore, early in the morning, several people took a detour to this place to ambush. Just when several people were wondering whether the long-tongued zombie would wander here, the long-tongued zombie suddenly appeared.

The zombie's entire tongue stretched out and swung directly from the back of the head to the roof where Wang Peng was. Wang Peng was prepared and rolled on the ground. The zombie's long tongue hit the eaves, and a whole stone was knocked down from the eaves to the ground.

On another rooftop nearby, Li Chong stood up, holding a large piece of bluestone in his hand, and smashed it hard against the long-tongued zombie's body, but the zombie's tongue quickly retracted in a strange curve, and the rebounding long tongue collided with the bluestone in the air, the bluestone shattered directly, and the broken stones flew to the surrounding shops, crackling.

The long-tongued zombie had just smashed the stone, and then heard a "bang" gunshot. It was Lin Bingyan who saw the zombie's tongue extended and fired a shot. At this time, the zombie seemed to feel threatened again, and the whole tongue was fully extended, hitting the bullet accurately at a faster speed, making a crisp "ding" sound.

Wang Peng shot another arrow over there, this time with flames on the arrow head, but it was blocked by the tongue again. As soon as the arrow feather was shot down, the stone arrived in front of him.

The three people formed a relay, standing in a small triangle, and one after another, they kept shooting at the zombie in the middle.

The long-tongued zombie spit out all his tongues, stood in the middle of the open space, and waved his tongue like a ribbon. Of course, this "ribbon" is harder than steel. The waving tongue formed an airtight defense network, and the attacks of the three people could not hurt the long-tongued zombie at all.

At this time, the three formed a small encirclement, firmly encircling the zombie in the middle, and the zombie's tongue was also attracted to the front of the head, and for a moment, it was deadlocked there.

At this moment, a man suddenly jumped out of the house behind the zombie, holding a thousand-machine umbrella, a bone spur dagger on his waist, and a red safety helmet on his head. It was Xiao Qiang who had not appeared.

Xiao Qiang took two steps at a time and arrived behind the zombie in an instant. Then he bent his legs slightly, pushed his feet hard on the ground, and his whole body flew into the air. He held the thousand-machine umbrella high with both hands, performed a trick above his head, and then smashed it hard at the back of the zombie's head.

This is also a move from the Wolf Tooth Stick Technique. Give the stick as much inertia as possible, and combine it with the momentum of falling. The front part of the entire stick will contain enough power and have the momentum of a running wolf.

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