Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 41 Zombies become stronger

The reaction of the long-tongued zombie was indeed amazing. When the stick was about to touch the zombie, the long tongue folded in the air after blocking it, forming a U-shaped loneliness. The tip of the tongue just happened to touch the Thousand Machine Umbrella, making a "pop" sound.

One person and one corpse separated at the touch. Xiao Qiang's arm sent a huge force, as if hitting steel. The tiger's mouth was also numb, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella was almost shaken out of his hand. The zombie over there was not feeling well either. He took the stick hit by Xiao Qiang using the Thousand Machine Umbrella. The whole tongue was slightly deformed. A sharp cry came out of his throat, and his body moved, shaking his tongue and crawling towards Xiao Qiang.

"Xiao Qiang, be careful!" Lin Bingyan on the roof saw this and shouted in a hurry. His fingers kept pulling the trigger, and bullets kept shooting at the zombie.

Wang Peng and the other two on the side also stepped up their output. Li Chong even threw the fire axe in his hand directly after throwing the stone.

With a "ding" sound, the zombie's tongue swept the fire axe to the side. The metal axe was directly scratched by the flesh thorns on the zombie's tongue. The curved iron ring on the axe was still on the zombie's tongue. The whole axe smashed directly into the residence next to it and embedded in the wall.

Xiao Qiang also held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, stepped out, and used the wolf tooth stick method to fight with the zombies. Xiao Qiang used all his strength every time. The powerful contact made Xiao Qiang's tiger mouth bleed faintly, but he still did not inflict heavy damage to the zombies. This was still the case when Lin Bingyan and three others were raiding the formation next to him.

However, the zombies seemed to be angered at this moment and slowly leaned towards Xiao Qiang. Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Qiang swung a stick and then ran forward without looking back. Of course, Xiao Qiang did not run away directly, but ran around the stone pillar.

It turned out that several people had discussed that day. Choose this place, first let Lin Bingyan and the other two attack each other in a triangle to attract the long tongue. Then Xiao Qiang took advantage of the situation and rushed out suddenly to see if he could give the zombie a fatal blow. Of course, everyone also considered that with the zombie's reaction speed, it might not be possible to hurt the zombie.

Xiao Qiang proposed that if he failed to hit the stone pillar, he would go around the pillar and let the zombie's tongue wrap around the stone pillar as much as possible. Then he could use a surprise attack, suddenly turn to the back of the zombie, and kill the zombie with a bone spur dagger. Of course, Xiao Qiang did not say what kind of skills he used, but only said that he would find a way to solve it at that time. He also took a strength pill early in the morning to prevent missing the opportunity.

Xiao Qiang was running in front, and the zombie's tongue was chasing Xiao Qiang in a curve, as if it was determined to kill Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang saw that the tongue had circled the stone pillar three times, and estimated the time. If he ran any further, he would be licked by the tongue. Just as he was about to throw down the Thousand Machine Umbrella and pull out the bone spur dagger, there was a sudden "boom". Xiao Qiang looked back and saw the zombie retracting its long tongue, and three stone pillars as thick as millstones broke with a sound, along with the steel bars inside.

The whole process was cumbersome, but it was just a moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang secretly said "not good", he didn't expect that this zombie had become stronger after not seeing it for a few days.

Then he rolled on the ground next to him to avoid the stone pillars that collapsed forward. The stone pillars directly hit a store in front of him, and the store collapsed from the middle, raising a cloud of dust.

At this moment, Yang Xue suddenly ran from the roof of the side and shouted to several people: "Not good, a large number of zombies are coming soon."

It turned out that in order to prevent the zombies from coming, the five people discussed that Yang Xue would go to the road to arrange some flammable materials such as gasoline barrels and monitor whether there were zombies coming.

Here, Yang Xue saw the scene in front of her and asked anxiously: "Xiao Qiang, are you okay?"

Xiao Qiang took off his helmet and shouted to the others: "Go and stop the zombies, I'll deal with him."

Watching the others gradually walk away, Xiao Qiang slowly put away the Thousand Machine Umbrella, pulled out the Bone Spur Dagger, and stared at the long-tongued zombie fiercely. At the same time, he extended his left middle finger and said "Pah" to the zombie, saying: "Fuck you!"

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