Then, the whole person ran away without looking back.

Yes, that's right, knowing that he was no match for the zombies, Xiao Qiang really ran this time. Just now, with the assistance of Lin Bingyan and the other two, he still couldn't hurt the zombies, let alone now.

Xiao Qiang sprinted at full speed in front, and the long-tongued zombie behind him was crawling on the ground, but his speed was indeed not slow at all.

One person and one zombie, Xiao Qiang ran at full speed for 5 minutes before he saw a ramp in front of him. A smile appeared on his face, and he thought to himself: "Finally, I'm here."

This ramp is a small alley, but the road is narrow and long. It is slightly wider in the front and can accommodate one person. At the back, there is only a gap, and light shines in.

In fact, as early as the first time he entered the village to search, Xiao Qiang had discovered this ramp. He thought that he could solve the long-tongued zombie with the strength of several people, so he didn't need to come here. After all, it was very dangerous to lead the zombies here.

Xiao Qiang entered the alley, and he dared not stop. The long-tongued zombie followed closely behind him, and his tongue stretched forward to the limit.

Xiao Qiang was chased all the way. When he was about to reach the gap, he suddenly jumped forward, but did not hit the walls of the houses on both sides, and the whole person disappeared in the air. The long-tongued zombie behind him was not so lucky. He ran forward without losing momentum, and his body hit the walls on both sides heavily. His shoulders were directly stuck in the gap, and only his long tongue stretched out from the gap.

Xiao Qiang had already learned the "surprise attack" technique, and he had the implementation skills of the technique in his mind. This time, Xiao Qiang also used it for the first time. When he jumped forward, he used the "surprise attack" technique, and the 300 strength points were instantly emptied.

Xiao Qiang only felt that the scene in front of him changed, and his body had fallen on the back of the zombie, and the whole back of the zombie was in front of him. At this moment, the zombie's tongue was still sticking out from the gap in front of him. Xiao Qiang did not dare to hesitate, holding the bone spur dagger tightly with both hands, and was about to stab the back of the zombie's head. Unexpectedly, just when the dagger just touched the zombie's head, the zombie's tongue suddenly retracted and hit Xiao Qiang's back hard. Thanks to the Thousand Machine Umbrella behind Xiao Qiang, most of the force was blocked. Even so, two terrible wounds were left on Xiao Qiang.

The dagger in Xiao Qiang's hand was also inserted crookedly, inserted from the back of the head, and cut out from the right ear, leaving a bowl-sized incision on the zombie's head, and a stream of scarlet dirty blood also flowed out, which was extremely smelly.

Xiao Qiang shrugged his nose, and there was no reminder sound of killing the zombie in his mind. Xiao Qiang cheered up, knowing that the zombie had not been killed yet.

Although the long-tongued zombie was not killed, its tongue attack speed and reaction speed were far behind. The whole tongue swayed again and attacked Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang endured the pain in his back, got up and got off the back of the zombie, and ran out of the alley.

After leaving the alley, Xiao Qiang slowly retracted the dagger and slowly pulled out the Thousand Machine Umbrella. A burning pain came from his back. At this moment, the long-tongued zombie also crawled out of the alley. A piece of flesh on the head was still connected to the small half of the head, and there were streaks of blood on the whole face. The whole zombie looked more weird and terrifying, but the crawling speed was indeed much slower than before.

The zombie's long tongue swung out, but this time it did not hit Xiao Qiang, but only hit the concrete road surface, and a long crack appeared on the road surface.

It seems that the blow to the zombie's head has affected his accuracy, but the power is still there.

Xiao Qiang watched the zombie's attack miss, and rushed forward. He took two steps, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand was about to hit the zombie's head. If it hit, the long-tongued zombie would lose its ability to move even if it didn't die.

Suddenly, he felt a direct hit on the left side of his body. Xiao Qiang's body flew to the right and fell heavily to the ground, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella also slipped out of his hand. He felt a tearing pain on his back when he landed on the ground, and the blood on the wound was stuck to his clothes.

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