Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 43: Fighting Two Corpses Alone

It turned out that Xiao Qiang's attention was all focused on the long-tongued zombie in front of him, but he didn't notice the zombie that suddenly jumped out next to him.

Xiao Qiang stood up and felt a little stuffy in his chest. With a "puff", he spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, he had a general understanding of the strength of the zombie that suddenly jumped out. From the outside, it was an ordinary zombie, with no abnormalities in height and weight, but the strength was much greater than that of ordinary zombies. It should be a level 2 zombie.

Looking at the zombies standing side by side in front of him, the white eyeballs stared at Xiao Qiang tightly, ready to pounce on Xiao Qiang and tear him apart at any time.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly and gritted his teeth. At this moment of life and death, it seems that he is ready to fight desperately.

In fact, if the long-tongued zombie was not injured, Xiao Qiang would only have to run now.

Suddenly, the level 2 zombie took the lead in attacking, and the whole body rushed towards Xiao Qiang. At this time, the long-tongued zombie's tongue also attacked Xiao Qiang, and the curved tongue bounced directly, about to hit Xiao Qiang's head from top to bottom.

Ignoring the pain from behind, Xiao Qiang clenched his teeth, exerted force with his feet, and moved his whole body to the left. At the same time, he swept the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand and hit the level 2 zombie. The zombie's forward momentum did not decrease, and he was hit directly on the ground with his face. At the same time, the long tongue also missed and hit the concrete floor, stirring up a layer of dust.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was about to pick up the Thousand Machine Umbrella and hit it. However, the long tongue swept towards Xiao Qiang again, and he had no choice but to raise the Thousand Machine Umbrella to block it. Xiao Qiang cheered up and fought with the two zombies.

In a short moment, the two zombies and one person had fought for several rounds. For a while, the dust was flying, and the doors and windows of many surrounding shops were scattered and fell to the ground.

Xiao Qiang had just repelled the Level 2 zombies, and the long tongues had already attacked. The attacks of the two zombies kept coming like a stream of water. Xiao Qiang cheered up and barely resisted the attacks. The pain from his back made Xiao Qiang almost faint several times.

Seeing that he could not deal with the two zombies in a short time, his physical strength had reached its limit. The pain made his head sweat continuously, and the dust around him made his face dirty.

Xiao Qiang thought while fighting, "If this continues, I will definitely be killed due to exhaustion, but these two zombies are still attacking tirelessly. I must separate them, even for a short time, I can break the current deadlock."

With an idea in mind, Xiao Qiang made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and used the wolf tooth stick method with the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, knocking the Level 2 zombie aside with one stick.

At the same time, the whole person did not look back, and ran directly to the supermarket in front of him. The long-tongued zombie followed closely behind him. Xiao Qiang jumped forward and jumped directly into the supermarket. The long-tongued zombie also followed into the supermarket with its long tongue. The half piece of meat hanging on its head had already fallen off, revealing its eerie skull, which was extremely terrifying.

Here, Xiao Qiang jumped into the supermarket, and without stopping, he jumped out of the house directly from the window. The zombie's long tongue chased out of the window. Xiao Qiang was in the air, pulled out the bone spur dagger, and rushed directly to the long tongue. With a "dang" sound, the dagger and the tongue collided in the air.

Xiao Qiang rolled on the ground, and was about to take advantage of the long-tongued zombie in the supermarket to deal with the level 2 zombie. Unexpectedly, before he could stand firm, he was knocked to the ground with a "bang".

Xiao Qiang was a little angry, struggled to stand up, spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

With a roar, Xiao Qiang took two steps forward, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand stabbed the zombie's chest. Then he half-crouched on the ground, facing the zombie, and swept the Thousand Machine Umbrella horizontally towards the zombie's legs. The zombie fell forward after this. Xiao Qiang did not stop, stood up, and swung the Thousand Machine Umbrella to hit the level 2 zombie again and again. The whole set of actions was smooth and did not give the level 2 zombie any chance to fight back.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +90, exchange point +90."

Just after finishing the level 2 zombie, the long-tongued zombie crawled out of the house. At this moment, Xiao Qiang was already at the end of his strength. The pain and fatigue in his body made Xiao Qiang want to faint several times.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, stood up and panted, his clothes were already tattered, his whole back was bloody, and he felt waves of pain.

The zombie's long tongue attacked Xiao Qiang's left side, but Xiao Qiang was like an old monk in meditation, motionless. When the tongue was fully extended, looking at the long tongue that had been extended to the limit, Xiao Qiang turned slightly sideways, and the whole person quickly ran towards the zombie, sprinting without losing momentum, jumping high, and hitting the long-tongued zombie's head with a stick.

The zombie's long tongue was not in a hurry to retract, in fact, it was also because Xiao Qiang had previously injured the long-tongued zombie with the "surprise attack" technique, causing the long tongue to retract and react slower.

Xiao Qiang's hands kept moving, one stick fell, and another stick rose. When the zombie's long tongue was halfway retracted, it fell heavily to the ground, and the long-tongued zombie was no longer moving. Perhaps the fear and threat brought by the long-tongued zombie was too great, and Xiao Qiang needed to vent it. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand continued to swing, hitting more than 20 times, until the zombie's head was smashed flat, the white brain burst, and mixed with dirty blood flowed out of the wound.

Xiao Qiang stopped and went to find the bone spur dagger, preparing to give the long-tongue zombie another blow.

"Ding, killed an ordinary level 5 zombie, experience value +2000, exchange points +3000. Obtained equipment..."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for upgrading, the current level is strong level 4, reward..."

Before he could hear what Xiao Cong said, he heard the notification sound of the kill. Xiao Qiang finally couldn't hold on. The dagger and the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand fell to the ground, and he fell straight back and fainted.

Before he fell, Xiao Qiang thought to himself: "After this battle, I will finally become really strong!"

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