Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 372 Zhang Jun keeps making sneak attacks (ask for bookshelf!)

Han Feng took the glove, brought it to his hand, and motioned to Xiao Qiang.

After moving his wrist, he rushed towards Yang En.

This time, Xiao Qiang knew why Yang En was unwilling to use weapons and instead used his fists. I saw that Han Feng punched Yang En's cheek with great force and heavy force, and there was wind in the fist. Yang En exerted force on his hind legs and jumped forward with his forelimbs. He didn't dare to fight the punch, and jumped forward hastily to avoid the punch.

With a "bang", Han Feng's punch missed. He did not hit Yang En, but hit the stone pillar next to him, punching a big hole in the stone pillar and sending brick fragments flying everywhere.

But just after Yang En landed, he suddenly rushed towards Han Feng, trying to grab Han Feng's back with one claw. Han Feng turned slightly sideways and punched Yang En's sharp claw from front to back.

The two fists and claws intertwined, and every time they touched each other, it was a physical collision, and the beating was quite fierce. Although Han Feng can only display the strength of a strong man at level 8 for the time being, it can be seen that he is slightly better than Yang En in terms of experience and solidity of moves. Moreover, under Xiao Qiang's instruction, Han Feng intentionally or unintentionally moved towards the confrontation between Huang Ri and Cheng Wen.

On the other side, the side where Qiao Tong and Zhang Jun were fighting.

"Double technique - hand doubling."

Qiao Tong shouted loudly, and saw that his outstretched right hand slowly became longer, and not only that, after the right hand was stretched, the entire arm swelled up as if it was inflated, and the slap was even smaller than a car. The sedan is even bigger. In comparison, Qiao Tong's fat body looked much smaller. He raised his broad palms high, making the whole scene look a bit funny.

At this time, the two had been fighting for a while. Qiao Tong's body was covered with dust, and his clothes had been poked several holes by the black gold steel fork in Zhang Jun's hand. There were also many wounds on his body, but the honest Qiao Tong Tong's face still looked normal, not showing any anger or anxiety. Instead, he was still down-to-earth and using his powers to fight Zhang Jun.

Naturally, Zhang Jun was no better. The two were of the same level. Under Qiao Tong's giant palm, Zhang Jun also ran away in embarrassment. Although there were no obvious injuries on his body, he had to avoid Qiao Tong's attack. He was also sweating profusely from running, and he stood there panting heavily.

After Qiao Tong used the Double Word Technique, his entire huge palm was photographed from top to bottom towards where Zhang Jun was standing. Seeing this, Zhang Jun hurriedly dragged his tired body, jumped lightly and hid aside. Qiao Tong's palm missed and hit the tent next to him. He flattened the tent with his palm and raised a layer of dust.

After Zhang Jun dodged Qiao Tong's attack, he squatted on the spot, panting heavily, and thinking about how to deal with Qiao Tong.

While he was calculating, the slow giant palm slapped Zhang Jun's forehead from top to bottom again.

Simply, Zhang Jun gritted his teeth, and while avoiding Qiao Tong's giant palm, he opened up his speed, took advantage of the dust to fly, "slithered" and hid in these messy tents, looking for No trace.

Qiao Tong dropped his palm. After the dust dispersed, he looked around blankly, but Zhang Jun could not be seen.

The palm moved slightly, and the giant palm slowly shrank and returned to its original shape. Qiao Tong looked around, taking long strides, constantly looking for Zhang Jun's figure in the middle of the tent.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the tent behind Qiao Tong, who had just turned his head. Zhang Jun had already cut through the canvas of the tent. He was moving very fast. A black shadow passed by and he rushed behind Qiao Tong. The black gold steel fork in his hand was about to stab Qiao Tong behind him.

Although Qiao Tong was fat, his reaction speed was also very sensitive. At the critical moment, he rolled to the side and avoided the fatal blow. However, the black gold dagger in Qiao Tong's hand was still brought to his body, and a long gash was cut out. Blood flowed out instantly, staining Qiao Tong's already dirty T-shirt red, and then the color became darker.

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