Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 373 Giant Multiplication (ask for bookshelf!)

Standing up, Qiao Tong looked at the wound on his body, stretched out his hands again, and his arms became bigger and longer. His arms swelled up as if they were filled with air. With his fists clenched, Qiao Tong looked at Zhang Jun's position, and punched Zhang Jun from both sides. The two huge fists swept over the tents along the way and knocked them down.

When Zhang Jun saw that Qiao Tong was injured, he held the black gold steel fork in reverse and was about to attack Zhang Jun again. Zhang Jun heard the sound of wind in his ears and saw two fists carrying huge power whistling towards him. If he was hit, he would definitely be smashed into meat paste.

Not daring to fight Qiao Tong's move, Zhang Jun had to retract the black gold steel fork he stretched out, and the whole person retreated nimbly to the back, and once again at full speed, hid in the middle of these messy tents and disappeared.

Qiao Tong's two fists missed, and the two fists collided heavily with each other, making a loud "bang" sound. The wind from the fist swept past, and even the tents next to them were shaken to the ground. However, when Qiao Tong put away his supernatural power again, Zhang Jun could not find him again.

Zhang Jun knew that after Qiao Tong used the multiplication technique, his body parts became larger, and his strength would also increase accordingly. Before, Zhang Jun had tried to use the sharpness of the black gold steel fork to fight against Qiao Tong's giant palm, but the whole person could not support it, and was almost crushed to the ground by the strength of Qiao Tong's giant palm, so he did not dare to fight against Qiao Tong. However, after using the multiplication technique, Qiao Tong's movement speed also became very slow. Zhang Jun seized this point and constantly used his speed advantage to shuttle between the tents in the third circle, looking for opportunities to kill Qiao Tong.

In this way, after being attacked by Zhang Jun many times in a row, Qiao Tong had many cuts on his body, and his body was also covered with blood.

Finally, Qiao Tong was also a little angry.

"Human Bomb Chariot!"

Qiao Tong used his superpower again, curled up into a ball, and kept shuttling through the tents in the third circle, moving at high speed, and had already hit a large area of ​​tents. He wanted to rely on his superpower's group attack skills to attack the entire tent and then find Zhang Jun's position.

Because of Qiao Tong's continuous attacks, Zhang Jun also constantly relied on speed to change his position, and Qiao Tong was unable to attack Zhang Jun.

"Multiplication Technique - Body Multiplication."

Qiao Tong was a little tired, and he shouted out with all his strength, using his superpower.

Then, Qiao Tong's body quickly expanded, and his whole body quickly became larger as if it was filled with gas. Qiao Tong's body suddenly became more than 3 meters tall, and his whole body became wider and fatter. Standing there, he looked like a small hill, even a little taller than the house next to him. Standing next to the house, half of his head could be vaguely revealed.

As Qiao Tong's body suddenly expanded, Zhang Jun's fork, which was originally aimed at Qiao Tong's head, also deviated a little and hit Qiao Tong's waist. "Hua", another cut was made on Qiao Tong's waist, but because Qiao Tong's body became bigger, the wound seemed smaller.

Qiao Tong slowly turned around, lowered his head, and looked at the position where Zhang Jun was standing. Zhang Jun saw Qiao Tong, who was half a body taller than him, and his eyes were full of fear. He didn't expect that Qiao Tong could not only multiply a part of his body, but also his whole body could be directly expanded.

"Look, look at what that is?" The people in the army in the distance saw Qiao Tong here and began to talk.

"Wow, so powerful, it looks like a giant." Someone else began to exclaim.

"Hey, don't make a fuss, that's Brother Qiao Tong's ability, which can change his body. I saw it when I followed him to fight zombies." One of the personnel from the Tongjiang base proudly introduced it to others.

. . . . . .

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