Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 374: Powerful (ask for bookshelf!)

In the distance, Xiao Qiang, who was avoiding the candles of Wu Lao on the rooftop, relied on his extraordinary eyesight to observe the situation in the entire base, the situation on the field, and the fighting of the crowd.

"What a powerful ability, hahaha, but why does this ability look so much like the ninjutsu of Dingci in Naruto. No matter what, after this fight, Longshan Base will definitely be stronger again." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help laughing out loud. After cutting off a section of the candle with a knife, he wiped the sweat on his head and thought to himself.

"You, what is your ability, how can it become so big?" Zhang Jun looked at Qiao Tong and asked in disbelief.

"Hehe, I call this ability the multiplication technique." Qiao Tong smiled at Zhang Jun honestly and said to Zhang Jun.

It can be seen that Qiao Tong is still a little tired from using this ability. The whole person is still panting, and the big sweat beads on his face are constantly flowing down his cheeks.

As he spoke, Zhang Jun did not dare to fight against Qiao Tong who had grown bigger. He kicked his legs, turned around, and rushed towards the big tree behind him, trying to avoid Qiao Tong's attack.

Unexpectedly, just as Zhang Jun reached the top of the tree, a huge palm had already pushed towards the tree with a gust of wind. Before Zhang Jun could dodge, the strong wind had already blown across his cheek. Then, with a "bang", the palm collided with the top of the tree, directly knocking the tree down. The whole tree tilted and fell down, and even the roots had been pushed out, revealing some large pieces of soil.

And Zhang Jun fell from the tree and fell heavily to the ground. Just as he was about to stand up, another big hand came down on Zhang Jun who had fallen to the ground. With a "bang", Zhang Jun, who had not yet stood up, was heavily pressed to the ground. He spat out a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that Zhang Jun was heavily pressed by this heavy hand.

If Zhang Jun was not a level 7 strongman, relying on his own physical strength, this slap would probably flatten Zhang Jun.

Qiao Tong slowly raised his huge hand and was about to slap Zhang Jun's body. Seeing this, Zhang Jun took advantage of the gap when Qiao Tong's huge hand was raised, endured the dullness in his chest, and ran out from under the palm quickly, hiding in the tent beside him. Thinking of relying on constant dodging to attack Qiao Tong as before.

Unexpectedly, this time, after Qiao Tong became bigger, he reached a height of more than 3 meters, looking down from above, and he could see Zhang Jun clearly as he shuttled through the tents. He kept waving his palm, which was as big as a car, and attacked Zhang Jun accurately. Helplessly, Zhang Jun could only shuttle through these tents continuously, avoiding the slaps that would be slapped at any time.

However, after Qiao Tong's body became bigger, he could see Zhang Jun's hiding very clearly. Here, Zhang Jun had just hid in the middle of a tattered tent, and a big hand slapped Zhang Jun's tent. There was no way, Zhang Jun could only flip over and quickly rushed out of the tent. Just as he stood firm, Zhang Jun felt a huge monster attacking him from the side of his body. Zhang Jun saw clearly that the huge monster was Qiao Tong's foot, kicking in his direction.

At the critical moment, Zhang Jun had no time to dodge, so he could only reach out and hold the two black gold steel forks in his hands facing forward. He bent his legs slightly, ready to fight hard.

With a "bang", a huge foot swept over and hit Zhang Jun hard. Zhang Jun's whole body didn't even resist, and was kicked out, hitting the wall hard, and spitting out a mouthful of blood. However, he also relied on the sharpness of the black gold steel fork in his hand to leave two wounds on Qiao Tong's feet. Qiao Tong was also in pain and slowly retracted his feet.

Zhang Jun covered his chest and slowly stood up, with blood on the corners of his mouth from the injury just now. Looking at Qiao Tong not far away, Zhang Jun glanced at him angrily, with a ruthless and firm meaning flashing in his eyes, and he had already made a decision.

"Hehe, I didn't want to use this potion, but I didn't expect you to be so difficult to deal with. Now I'll let you see what terrifying power is."

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