Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 378: Big move

Zhang Jun stood there in a daze, with his right leg bent backwards, and the two steel forks in his hands moved forward and raised horizontally. It seemed that Zhang Jun was ready to fight this move.

With a loud "bang", the huge meat ball in rapid movement knocked away many obstacles along the way, and rushed to Zhang Jun at lightning speed, and hit the black gold steel fork raised horizontally by Zhang Jun. However, after hitting Zhang Jun, Qiao Tong's huge meat ball simply pushed Zhang Jun back two steps, and could not shake Zhang Jun. The whole ball kept rotating in place, rubbing against the black gold steel fork, and sparked many sparks at once.

Zhang Jun smiled with some pride when he saw that he could withstand such a strong force after taking the medicine. Then, he kicked his legs down hard, and when his hands loosened, the whole person had already taken off into the air. After Qiao Tong's whole body was relaxed, he could not help but rush forward.

Zhang Jun was flying in the air, and he turned around, stepped lightly on the tree, and rushed towards the meat ball formed by Qiao Tong. His speed was extremely fast, but it was a few points faster than Qiao Tong's rolling. In an instant, he caught up with Qiao Tong and launched a fierce attack on Qiao Tong. Relying on the sharpness of the black gold steel fork, he pierced into the meat ball formed by Qiao Tong's huge body. Then, he kicked the huge body away with another kick. With a "clang", Qiao Tong's body hit the tent.

"Ah~" Qiao Tong was hurt a lot by the stab, and his whole body spread out. Then, the whole body slowly shrank from the expanded state, and finally returned to its original state, returning to Qiao Tong's original appearance, chubby state, but on his stomach, you can see an obvious wound, and blood keeps flowing out of the wound. Qiao Tong lay on the ground, covering his wound with one hand, his body kept rolling and making sounds of pain.

Covering his wound, Qiao Tong slowly stood up. Looking around, he looked at the people who were still fighting everywhere. He smiled "hehe" honestly, and a firm smile appeared on his face. Finally, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Jun on the side.

"It seems that I have to use this trick, but I don't know if this trick can subdue Zhang Jun. Moreover, I don't know what the side effects of this trick are." Qiao Tong looked at Zhang Jun and muttered to himself.

As he spoke, Qiao Tong looked at Zhang Jun who kept coming, slowly raised his hands, began to seal in front of his chest, and finally used his supernatural power.

"Butterfly transformation."

This supernatural power can be said to be Qiao Tong's ultimate move, but even Qiao Tong has never used this move to really fight the enemy, so he doesn't know the power, nor the side effects after using this move. I just feel that after using this move, the whole person will become stronger.

As Qiao Tong spoke, Qiao Tong's body began to change again. However, this time, Qiao Tong's body did not begin to swell. Instead, his whole body began to become thinner. Even the small belly on his stomach had disappeared. He looked lean and thin. After losing weight, he looked much more energetic and handsome.

Zhang Jun saw the changes in Qiao Tong and did not react too much. After all, Qiao Tong's body had been changing all the time, but this time it was not getting bigger, but getting smaller. Moreover, Zhang Jun was very confident in his strength after taking the drug. After all, his level alone was now one level higher than Qiao Tong, not to mention that the drug would also enhance his strength and speed.

He stretched his foot back gently, and then stepped hard. Zhang Jun's foot was wearing Martin boots, and he stepped on the solid concrete floor and broke it into pieces. Zhang Jun moved first. He planned to kill Qiao Tong with one blow and did not intend to continue to waste time with Qiao Tong. Therefore, the black gold steel fork that the man held out in the air was full of power, and the whole person disappeared in an instant and arrived in front of Qiao Tong.

However, unlike before, Qiao Tong did not have time to react. Instead, the black gold steel fork could not move any further when it reached Qiao Tong's chest. Qiao Tong stood firm and looked forward, and then he noticed that his wrists were actually firmly held by Qiao Tong.

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