Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 379: Power Doubled (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Holding the black gold steel fork, even though the steel fork was very close to Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun's hands could not move and he could not move forward any further. Zhang Jun tried hard to pull his hands out of Qiao Tong's wrists. However, his hands were firmly held, and no matter how hard Zhang Jun tried, he could not pull his hands out. From this point of view, after using the "Butterfly Transformation" technique, Qiao Tong's strength turned out to be greater than that of Zhang Jun who took the medicine.

Zhang Jun saw that he could not pull his hand away from Qiao Tong's hand. He flipped his fingers and the black gold steel fork reversed its direction and was held in Zhang Jun's hand. Zhang Jun relied on his nimble fingers and proficiency in the steel fork. , wanting to hold the steel fork and aim it at the wrist of Qiao Tong who was holding his own hands. Unexpectedly, Qiao Tong reacted faster. Seeing this, he exerted force on his wrist, and two "crack" sounds were heard. Zhang Jun's wrist was actually broken by Qiao Tong. The two black gold steel forks also fell to the ground, and a painful wail of "Ah" came from Zhang Jun's throat.

Moreover, not only that, because after Qiao Tong used the "Butterfly" skill, his body became thinner and stronger, Qiao Tong's overall movement speed also became much faster. Of course, it was also because Qiao Tong could feel that he couldn't last too long with the "Butterfly Transformation" skill activated, so he had to speed up his attack on Zhang Jun.

After letting go of Zhang Jun's broken wrist, Qiao Tong jumped up high, his whole body in the air, and kicked out two feet, which hit Zhang Jun's chest hard. Zhang Jun's wrists were still being broken off, but he was already kicked out. While the person was in the air and still flying backward, Zhang Jun raised his eyes and suddenly saw a person running out from top to bottom, stepping towards him with one kick. In a panic, Zhang Jun quickly raised his hands and held them horizontally in front of his chest. With a "bang", Zhang Jun was intercepted in the air, stepped on from above, and fell to the ground. With a "boom", the huge force even made a huge hole in the ground.

"Pfft", although his arms blocked the powerful force, Zhang Jun, who was lying on the ground, was hit hard by this powerful force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The person who intercepted Zhang Jun in the air was Qiao Tong. Qiao Tong is using "Butterfly"

After using the skill, the whole person's speed and reflexes have also become much faster. Just now, after kicking Zhang Jun away, Qiao Tong kept walking and rushed up after Zhang Jun's body. He was the last to arrive, but he was a few minutes faster than Zhang Jun. . After catching up, he jumped up high and kicked Zhang Jun in the air.

Zhang Jun was lying on the ground, seriously injured, moaning and rolling on the ground. When Qiao Tong saw this, he raised his fist to kill Zhang Jun.

"Waste, what a waste. After taking the medicine, you can't even beat a strong level 7 character." Mr. Wu on the roof used his superpower to deal with Xiao Qiang, and turned around to discover Zhang Jun's situation. He saw Zhang Jun was knocked to the ground and couldn't help but blurt out.

As he spoke, when he saw Qiao Tong, he was about to raise his fist and walk towards Zhang Jun. Mr. Wu slowly raised his right hand, and saw that a long awl was slowly formed by the candle in the center of the palm of his right hand. shaped object. Mr. Wu aimed his palm at the position where Qiao Tong was. He exerted force on his palm and used his superpower. The white awl-shaped object was thrust into Qiao Tong's back at an extremely fast speed.

"Qiao Tong, be careful." Xiao Qiang warned him aloud after seeing Mr. Wu's actions while dealing with Mr. Wu's continuous candle restraints.

With a "swipe" sound, the white awl instantly arrived behind Qiao Tong. Qiao Tong only felt the wind appearing behind him, so he relied on instinct to move his body to the left, trying to avoid the attack.

Everyone saw Qiao Tong turning around and half-crouching on the ground. Then, Qiao Tong turned around slowly, holding the white awl in his hand.

"Brother Tong is awesome."

"Tong Ge is mighty."

"Come on Brother Tong, it's amazing. Even a sneak attack from this awakening-level strongman can't hurt Brother Tong."

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