Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 381 Believe in Xiao Qiang (ask for bookshelf!)

After handing Qiao Tong's body to the two people in the army next to him and carrying it to the tent beside him, Wang Peng hurried back to the wall.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", Wang Peng and his men heard the continuous explosion of mines before they arrived at the defense position.

These mines were arranged in advance when Wang Peng had a premonition that a group of zombies were going to attack this side. The purpose is to kill these zombies as far as possible and reduce the close contact between people and zombies.

"Boom", with the explosion of the mine, a building that had already been in tatters was also knocked down by the explosion of the mine. The whole building collapsed and pressed on the zombies rushing forward. The zombies let out a "wow" howl. However, soon, after a cloud of smoke and dust dissipated, the zombie group behind continued to howl and rushed towards the base.

"Everyone, prepare to shoot. Two people form a group, take care of each other, and use grenades according to the situation. There are not many zombies in these zombie groups. Everyone must hold the line and not let these zombies rush over." Wang Peng shouted loudly to the defenders while running, encouraging everyone.

At this time, those people were arranged in a straight line by Wang Peng, separated from each other, and two people were arranged at each position to arrange them. And the gaps in the wall had long been blocked by Wang Peng's organization of people pushing some cars and other things.

As he spoke, Wang Peng jumped onto the high bracket and took the crescent bow off his back. "Da Da Da", a series of bullets gushed out from the machine gun, constantly shooting at the approaching zombies. Wang Peng stood on a high place, looking at the zombies outside the wall, while constantly directing his people to shoot at the zombies, and on the other side, he kept shooting his arrows, each arrow could accurately kill a zombie. It is worth mentioning that this time Wang Peng went to the base in the city, and before he set off, he deliberately brought some more arrows, a total of 500.

"Brother Wang Peng, what's going on? I heard the gunshot and hurried over here." Wu Shan panted, and the 50 people behind him ran towards Wang Peng.

"Brother Wu Shan, it is probably the sound of our shooting just now that alarmed the zombies nearby. A small wave of zombies launched an attack on the base." Wang Peng shot an arrow, turned his head and saw that the person coming was Wu Shan, and turned back to Wu Shan and said.

"You guys, rush over the wall and shoot these zombies together." After hearing this, Wu Shan turned his head and gave instructions to the people behind him.

As he spoke, Wu Shan followed closely and climbed onto the shelf. He took a look at the situation below and said to Wang Peng, "Just now, we went to look for supplies from the Black Gold Exchange. They are really careless. So many supplies are still there. However, those things have been packed. We can just move them directly when the time comes."

"Yeah, they have so many strong men. I guess they didn't expect us to dare to fight them. However, that old Wu is really strong." Wang Peng looked at Old Wu and said to Wu Shan.

"What is the strength of Xiao Qiang? Can he beat that old Wu?" Wu Shan looked at Wang Peng and asked doubtfully.

"Brother Qiang should be a strong man of level 8, but I believe in him. He will definitely defeat Old Wu." Wang Peng looked at Xiao Qiang who was still fighting on the roof and said with a firm face.

"Okay, since you believe it, I believe it too. After all, this guy rescued Brother Han, and without him, I'm afraid we wouldn't dare to fight them so happily. Let's kill the zombies quickly and pack up the supplies. They are fighting, and we can't fall behind." Wu Shan smiled heartily, looked at Wang Peng, raised his rough big hand and patted Wang Peng's shoulder and said.

"Da da da", Wang Peng and Wu Shan and their commanding personnel kept firing and fighting these zombies.

On the other side, Liu Xuan, Wu Ze and Wang Lei were getting farther and farther away from the crowd, and the three of them had already reached a small green belt in the base.

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