Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 382 Dealing with Liu Xuan (Ask for bookshelf!)

Not only was Liu Xuan's dagger moves very tricky, but his body skills were also a bit weird. Relying on his own body skills, there was no way he could compete head-on with Wu Ze and Wang Lei. He just kept wandering around, and then suddenly stretched out a dagger, causing damage to the two of them. Of course, even in terms of level, Liu Xuan must be higher than the two of them.

At this time, it was already approaching noon, the weather was hot, and the three of them had been confronting each other for some time. Both sides were already breathing heavily, splitting into two sides and constantly watching each other's movements. The bodies of the three of them were all stained at this moment, and Wu Ze's body was the most serious among them. His shirt had been completely torn open, revealing the scarlet wounds on his body, and his upper body was almost stained red with blood. The situation of Wang Lei and Liu Xuan was better. Wang Lei joined later, so he also attacked from the side. Wu Ze mainly responded to Liu Xuan's attack. Wang Lei's arms and legs were each scratched. Liu Xuan relied on his footsteps and dagger, but Wu Ze's military thorn was only brought to his stomach, causing a deep wound.

Wang Lei glanced at Wu Ze, who was covered with wounds next to him, raised the broad axe, and struck Liu Xuan's head, who was standing next to the big tree, with an axe. When Liu Xuan saw this, he looked at Wang Lei and curled his lips fiercely. He leaned back slightly to avoid the attack of the axe. At the same time, he held the big tree with one hand and turned around in a circle. , from the other side, holding the dagger in his hand, he stabbed Wang Lei with extremely fast footwork.

At the critical moment, Wang Lei's ax missed and the ax was embedded in the big tree. Before Wang Lei could take out the ax, the dagger had already arrived in front of Wang Lei. With a "dang" sound, a military spur blocked the path of the dagger, stopping the dagger and making a clear sound of metal collision.

The person who came was Wu Ze. Although there were many wounds on his body, Wu Ze still endured the pain and rushed over. He stretched out the black gold thorn in his hand and held the dagger that was about to stab Wang Lei.

"Hmph", Liu Xuan snorted coldly when he saw this, pressed down on the military thorn with force, flew up and kicked Wu Ze, sending Wu Ze flying away. It can also be seen from here that Liu Xuan, as a level 7 expert, is much stronger.

Having gained an opportunity, Wang Lei pulled out the ax, raised the ax and struck Liu Xuan on the head. With his right foot as the center of the circle, Liu Xuan turned around, with his back facing Wang Lei. He raised his hand, and while dodging the axe, he elbowed Wang Lei's back. Wang Lei stumbled and swayed towards Fall forward.

However, soon, Wang Lei rushed towards Liu Xuan again with an ax in hand. Wang Lei didn't have any skills or tricks, he relied on his improved physical fitness after upgrading to Strong Level 4. At this time, facing Liu Xuan, Wang Lei swung the huge ax with all his strength every time. Although Liu Xuan was stronger than Wang Lei, he was not willing to compete with Wang Lei head-on.

"Dang, Dang, Dang", the two of them each picked up their weapons and had already exchanged several moves. Liu Xuan picked up Wang Lei's ax, and then kicked Wang Lei away. However, soon, Wang Lei picked up the ax and attacked Liu Xuan again, even though he had been kicked out several times by Liu Xuan. times.

"Hmph, annoying fly!" Liu Xuan was also a little annoyed by Wang Lei's entanglement. The dagger jumped on his fingertips and he spoke forcefully.

Just now, in the fight between Liu Xuan and Wang Lei, he did not use all his strength because he had to defend Wu Ze who was kicked away by him just now. However, this Wang Lei, after being kicked down once, got up again and rushed towards Liu Xuan. Originally, Liu Xuan didn't pay much attention to Wang Lei. He mainly wanted to deal with Wu Ze. Now he was tired of being entangled and gave Wang Lei a fierce look. He planned to kill Wang Lei first and then deal with Wu Ze.

Seeing Wang Lei charging towards him again, Liu Xuan held the dagger in his hand and ran two steps forward. When Wang Lei saw Liu Xuan arriving in front of him, he struck Liu Xuan hard with his axe.

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