Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 383: Fighting to the death (ask for bookshelf!)

However, Liu Xuan did not compete with Wang Lei. He bent his legs, stepped hard on the ground, and somersaulted forward, jumping behind Wang Lei.

After landing, Liu Xuan kept moving, turned around, and kicked Wang Lei in the back. Wang Lei was kicked forward so that he could not stop the car and ran towards the front. Then, his whole body "shuddered" Hit the big tree.

Wang Lei was hit hard this time, but he still endured the pain and tiredness on his body. He picked up the ax and quickly turned around and faced Liu Xuan's direction. However, just as Wang Lei turned around, he saw Liu Xuan rushing in front of him, with a bright dagger reflecting a ray of light, and he was about to stab Wang Lei.

With such a close distance and Liu Xuan's speed, Wang Lei had no time to react. He didn't even have the time to lift the ax before he was about to be pierced into the chest by the black gold dagger.

At this moment, Wu Ze suddenly rushed out, and with a flying swoop, Wang Lei was knocked aside. Wu Ze had just noticed the situation on Wang Lei's side, but he had no choice but because he was bleeding too much and the wound was too deep. Wu Ze rested on the ground for a while before he recovered a little.

Although Wu Ze knocked Wang Lei away and escaped the attack, he was stabbed by a dagger, which penetrated into his shoulder blade.

With a "boom", Wu Ze's body hit the big tree heavily. Liu Xuan's long black gold dagger penetrated Wu Ze's shoulder blade and was nailed to the tree. "Ah~" and the intense pain made Wu Zedu couldn't help but cry out.

Wang Lei was already prepared for Liu Xuan's dagger to be inserted into his chest, but he was suddenly hit. His whole body was knocked to the side by Wu Ze. He raised his eyes and looked to the side, only to see that Wu Ze had saved him, but Wu Ze himself had received a dagger on his body, and the dagger was pierced into his shoulder blade.

Seeing how painful Wu Ze was being stabbed, Wang Lei was extremely angry while sitting on the ground. He looked at Liu Xuan with eyes that were about to burst into flames. Wang Lei himself is very loyal. When he saw that Wu Ze was stabbed on his behalf, he was immediately furious.

Howling "Ouch", Wang Lei stood up from the ground, raised his ax and rushed towards Liu Xuan. He jumped up high, raised the ax above his head, and aimed at Liu Xuan with one blow. Cut it off.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xuan pulled out the dagger with a "swipe" motion. Wu Ze's body had no support, and his whole body slipped to the ground, sitting there leaning against the big tree. Liu Xuan raised the dagger horizontally, and with a "dang" sound, the dagger and ax collided heavily.

Then, Liu Xuan flew up and kicked Wang Lei out from the side.

After being kicked out, Liu Xuan turned around and walked in the direction of Wu Ze. Looking at Wu Ze who was sitting on the ground covering his wound, the corners of Liu Xuan's mouth raised, revealing an evil smile.

He stuck out his tongue, lightly licked the dagger he was holding, and was about to stab Wu Ze with the dagger.

"Huh, ants are just ants. No matter how many people there are, it's useless. Even your Xiao Qiang is just a small character who can be easily killed by Mr. Wu." Liu Xuan snorted coldly and looked at him as he walked. Wu Ze said with a soft smile.

Wu Ze slowly opened his eyes, looked at Liu Xuan who was approaching, fumbled for his military spur from the ground, endured the wound, and held it with his hand.

The tree was about to stand up slowly.

"Ah~" At this moment, Wang Lei rushed over from behind, and with a flying swoop, he fell on Liu Xuan.

"Don't talk about Brother Qiang. You can't evaluate Brother Qiang's strength. You're not qualified yet." Wang Lei roared angrily.

At this time, Wang Lei swooped over from one side and threw Liu Xuan to the ground. His hands were tightly wrapped around Liu Xuan's body, restraining Liu Xuan.

"Let me go." Liu Xuan was thrown to the ground and said loudly to Wang Lei.

Liu Xuan was knocked down by Wang Lei. His back was facing Wang Lei. He pushed hard with his palms and the two of them flipped over. Liu Xuan reached the top, struggled hard, and found that he was still tightly restrained by Wang Lei. He raised his right hand and stretched it upward. His arm muscles bulged high.

Then, he elbowed downwards hard, and with a "bang", Liu Xuan's elbow hit Wang Lei's chest hard.

Wang Lei, who was lying on the ground, was elbowed by Liu Xuan with all his strength. With a "puff", he spat out a mouthful of blood.

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