Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 384 Kill him (ask for the bookshelf!)

But Wang Lei still held Liu Xuan tightly with his hands. Seeing this, Liu Xuan elbowed Wang Lei in the chest again. This time, Liu Xuan used more force and could clearly hear the sound of Wang Lei's ribs breaking.

Wang Lei spat out a bigger mouthful of blood. This time, Wang Lei couldn't hold on any longer. He loosened his hands and let Liu Xuan go.

Liu Xuan jumped up lightly and stood up. He turned around and looked at Wang Lei, who was covered in blood. Wang Lei covered his chest and looked very weak. He trembled and gasped, and slowly stood up. He was still holding his axe in his hand. He couldn't even straighten his waist. The pain made Wang Lei sweat coldly.

"Humph," Liu Xuan snorted coldly and attacked Wang Lei again. In an instant, Liu Xuan rushed to Wang Lei's front with his own steps. Wang Lei looked at Liu Xuan and raised the axe in his hand weakly, but a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He raised the dagger in his hand and gently blocked it, and the axe held by Wang Lei was knocked out. With a "clang", the axe hit a big tree. Liu Xuan stretched out his arm, holding the dagger in his hand, and stabbed it towards Wang Lei's chest.

"Puff", there was a sound of metal entering the flesh. After being seriously injured, he could not resist Liu Xuan's attack at all. Liu Xuan's knife pierced Wang Lei's chest, and blood immediately flowed down the dagger, dyeing the whole shirt red.

Liu Xuan looked at Wang Lei in front of him, and the whole person seemed very weak. He stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth gently. Just when he wanted to pull the dagger out of Wang Lei's body, he found that the dagger and his hands were firmly held by a pair of hands, and he couldn't pull it out.

He looked up at Wang Lei and found that although Wang Lei was already in a state of exhaustion, blood was constantly spurting out of the corners of his mouth, but he opened his big eyes and had a faint smile on his face. He stretched out his broad hands, although his hands were full of blood stains, but he held Liu Xuan's hands tightly, making his hands unable to be pulled out.

"Wang Lei!" Wu Ze, who was also seriously injured, leaned on a big tree and shouted loudly when he saw this situation.

"Hehe, Brother Ze, kill him quickly." Wang Lei was very weak and said to Wu Ze in a simple and honest way.

Liu Xuan naturally heard what Wang Lei said. Now his hands were tightly held, and he also felt some dangerous breath. His expression also changed from being calm and composed just now, and even with a hint of smile on his face, to a little flustered.

The whole person tried harder than before, trying to get his hand out of Wang Lei's hand. Unexpectedly, although Wang Lei was already extremely weak, and his blood had dyed his feet red, his hands were still tightly holding Liu Xuan's hands and refused to let go.

Seeing this, Liu Xuan became even more crazy, stretched out his right leg, and kicked Wang Lei hard one by one. Wang Lei, who was already seriously injured, spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and the spurted blood splashed on Liu Xuan's face.

"Ah~", at this moment, Wu Ze shouted loudly, and the whole person forced himself to endure the pain all over his body and the tearing of muscles, dragging his body full of scars and running towards Liu Xuan.

Halfway through, the person exerted force suddenly under his feet, and the whole person jumped high, and the military bayonet in his hand turned, and the knife accurately stabbed Liu Xuan's body. But one knife was not enough, Wu Ze pulled out the military bayonet again and stabbed Liu Xuan several times in a row.

Liu Xuan's body was instantly pierced like a blood gourd. He struggled a few times, but then he stopped moving, slowly collapsed, fell to the ground, and stopped moving.

Seeing this, Wang Lei on the opposite side smiled lightly, loosened his hands holding Liu Xuan, and fell to the ground.

"Wang Lei, ah~" Wu Ze rushed over and hugged Wang Lei in his arms. Seeing Wang Lei slowly closing his eyes, he couldn't help but raise his head and yell loudly.

This roar startled the people fighting around. After Wang Peng shot an arrow through the zombie's head, he didn't care about commanding everyone to hit the approaching zombie. The whole person quickly jumped down from the high shelf and ran towards Wang Lei.

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