Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 385 Fighting against Mr. Wu (ask for bookshelf!)

Although Wang Lei doesn't like to talk, he is very loyal and honest. He is always eager to do any work in the base, so everyone likes Wang Lei very much.

Wang Peng rushed over and hugged Wang Lei in his arms. Looking at Wang Lei's closed eyes, tears kept flowing down: "Wang Lei, Wang Lei, wake up."

Xiao Qiang on the roof naturally noticed the situation below. Looking at Wu Lao opposite, his eyes radiated like lightning and his face was full of anger.

After taking the triple violent pill, Xiao Qiang's strength also increased a lot instantly. At this time, seeing Wang Lei die in the hands of the people of M Company, his body suddenly jumped up, and even the movements of his hands kept speeding up.

Holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella (knife form), the whole person rushed towards the position where Wu Lao was standing.

Wu Lao also saw that after Xiao Qiang took the pill, both his strength and speed were much faster. In order to prevent Xiao Qiang from rushing in front of him, Wu Lao actually used two superpowers at the same time. One is the candle restraint, which keeps extending from Xiao Qiang's feet, trying to trap Xiao Qiang, so that Xiao Qiang can only jump non-stop to avoid the candle restraint that emerges from the ground. The other is what Wu Lao used before, which continuously launches white sharp candle discs and shoots them at Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang also kept jumping while changing the form of the Thousand Machine Umbrella, changing the knife form into the umbrella form, and defending against the white candle discs that were shot at him. Fortunately, after taking this triple violent pill, Xiao Qiang's reaction speed is also much faster, so although the scene is dangerous, Xiao Qiang did not suffer any injuries. However, because of the constant jumping, Xiao Qiang is also sweating at this moment, and drops fall on the ground on the roof.

Wang Lei's death has angered Xiao Qiang, and he launched a crazy attack on Wu Lao with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"Tap", Xiao Qiang gently landed on the top of the building, and instantly jumped up, and his whole body flew forward, close to Wu Lao's direction. I saw Old Wu standing under the umbrella formed by candles, standing in a corner of the rooftop.

His hands changed their movements slightly, and he used his candle power while looking at Xiao Qiang approaching.

Old Wu smiled slightly, watching the small candle disc flying towards Xiao Qiang approaching him. Like this, as long as Xiao Qiang approached him, he would use the group attack skill of the small candle disc to force Xiao Qiang back, and at the same time, he would constantly use the candle binding, not giving Xiao Qiang any space at all. In this way, even if he didn't fight Xiao Qiang head-on, he could tire Xiao Qiang to death.

While watching Xiao Qiang from a distance, he saw that this time, while rushing forward, the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand did not change into the form of an umbrella. Instead, Xiao Qiang's right hand moved slightly, and after touching the button, the Thousand Machine Umbrella changed its form, but it became a spear.


"Ding, the host uses the raid skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 30/100."

Old Wu looked at Xiao Qiang, and felt that Xiao Qiang had disappeared from the spot in a flash. Then, Wu Lao felt a gust of wind behind him, and a fierce attack came towards his body. He knew that Xiao Qiang had used that trick again. So, at the critical moment, Wu Lao used his superpowers again and wrapped his body with his superpowers, the candle armor.

"Swish", Xiao Qiang instantly arrived behind Wu Lao, holding the "spear form" of the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, and sprinted, with the blessing of the triple violent pill potion, and smashed down heavily at Wu Lao from top to bottom.

After Xiao Qiang used the Thousand Machine Umbrella to smash down heavily, Wu Lao's solid candle armor was actually cut open by the sharp Thousand Machine Umbrella, and the metal tip even touched Wu Lao's skin.

Although the Thousand Machine Umbrella only touched Wu Lao's body lightly after cracking Wu Lao's candle armor, it cut a hole in Wu Lao's clothes on the back, and there was no wound left on Wu Lao's body.

However, the moment the Thousand Machine Umbrella touched Old Wu's body, Old Wu broke out in a cold sweat. He felt a hint of danger and involuntarily staggered forward to avoid it.

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