Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 387 Yang En's Horror (Ask for bookshelf!)

However, Yang En did not dare to fight Huang Ri head-on. Originally, Yang En's strength was strong enough, and the big machete he used was much stronger than Yang En. If he fought with Huang Ri, Yang En would have to use his claws to collide with Huang Ri's machete. Therefore, Yang En used his speed to constantly shake off Huang Ri and look for opportunities to attack Huang Ri.

Huang Ri's shirt had already been torn off by Yang En's surprise attack, and his body was also scratched one by one, emitting a scarlet color. Of course, Yang En was not much better. On Yang En's leg, Huang Ri's machete also cut and left a wound.

At this time, Huang Ri and Han Feng stood in the center of the field where they were fighting. Han Feng faced Cheng Wen. Cheng Wen really put a lot of pressure on Han Feng. A spear was also used very skillfully by Cheng Wen. Under the sunlight, the faces of the two were also covered with sweat beads.

More importantly, Yang En continued to throw smoke bombs in the center of the venue, blocking the vision of several people. For Yang En and Cheng Wen, this smoke bomb had much less impact on them.

Yang En's ability attribute is the dog state, so he also retains some attributes of the dog, including the dog's sensitive nose. Relying on Yang En's nose, the two can clearly identify the positions of Huang Ri and Han Feng even in the smoke, and continue to attack and harass.

The two's vision was blocked, and they could only stand side by side in the smoke of the venue. With Cheng Wen, a master, they did not dare to rush out rashly. They could only stay in place and carefully guard against their assault.

Huang Ri stood next to Han Feng, with smoke all over his eyes, and he could not see things clearly at all. He didn't know how many grenades Cheng Wen had thrown to make this place like this. Huang Ri slowly stretched out his hand and kept groping forward. With his other hand, he clenched his machete, carefully guarding and ready to attack at any time. Suddenly, a man rushed out from the smoke behind him. He had black fur and lay on the ground. After the man turned into an animal, a pad of flesh grew in the center of his hand. If he walked slowly, he would walk on the road very gently, without making any sound. When he got close to Huang Ri's back, he suddenly rushed out and stretched out a claw towards Huang Ri's back.

When Yang En rushed to Huang Ri, Huang Ri felt a figure behind him. Han Feng pushed him with his hand, and Huang Ri reacted. After being pushed by Han Feng, he quickly pounced to the side and barely avoided Yang En's sneak attack, but his arm was still touched by the claws, leaving five clear claw marks.

Huang Ri fell to the ground, and before he could stand up, a man jumped down from above Huang Ri, holding a black-gold spear in his hand, and stabbed Huang Ri with a fierce attack.

At the critical moment, Han Feng punched Yang En fiercely, forcing him to retreat. He jumped forward and pushed Huang Ri away, avoiding the spear stabbed by Han Feng, but Han Feng's arm was cut by the black-gold spear, leaving a big cut.

With a "bang", the black-gold spear passed through Han Feng's body and stabbed into the concrete floor. Cheng Wen landed from the air, holding the black-gold spear, tilted the spear, and rubbed the ground to get close to Han Feng who was still lying on the ground.

Seeing this, Han Feng hurriedly rolled on the ground, and his whole body kept rolling to the side on the ground. Cheng Wen held the black gold spear in his hand, and the spear was close to the ground, leaving a deep gully on the cement road where Han Feng rolled over. The friction between the black gold and the ground, coupled with Cheng Wen's rapid movement, made the sparks particularly obvious in the smoke.

Huang Ri, who was standing by, had already climbed up from the ground. After seeing this, he held the machete upside down and stepped heavily on the cement floor, leaving a hole in the ground. He jumped high and slashed at Cheng Wen's back.

In a hurry, Cheng Wen could no longer attack Han Feng, so he had to stop, draw out the black gold spear, and turn around to guard against Huang Ri's slash at him.

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