Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 388 It’s time to upgrade the skills (ask for the bookshelf!)

"Dang", the metal collision made a dull sound. After failing to hit, Cheng Wen did not hesitate. He jumped forward holding the black gold spear, and separated himself from Han Feng and the others again. He hid in the smoke and could not be found.

At this time, perhaps Yang En ran out first and threw many smoke bombs towards the center of the venue. At this moment, the smoke in the venue where Han Feng and the others were standing was even thicker than before.

"Damn, if you have the guts, come out and fight with real swords and guns." Huang Ri shouted loudly with some depression.

Xiao Qiang was on the roof and could see clearly. Due to the use of smoke bombs, Han Feng and the others' vision was blocked and their strength could not be exerted. Facing the continuous surprise attacks from Cheng Wen and the others, they were also in a very passive situation.

While dealing with Wu Lao, he was thinking about countermeasures. Suddenly, relying on his extraordinary eyesight, Xiao Qiang saw Cheng Wen and the others standing in the smoke, looking for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack on Han Feng and the others. At this time, Yang En's entire body had evolved into a black wolfdog, including his face. Yang En's nose was particularly obvious on his face, constantly twitching, smelling the scent of Han Feng and the others, and looking for Han Feng and Huang Ri's whereabouts in the smoke.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang had already made up his mind.

Because Old Wu was approached by Xiao Qiang after taking the triple violent pill, the supernatural power he used was no longer the small candle discs for long-range attacks, but he attached his whole body to the armor formed by the candles, holding a solid candle shield in his left hand, and a long sword formed by the candles in his right hand, which constantly collided with Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella.

It must be said that Old Wu's strength is indeed strong. Even in close combat with Xiao Qiang, after Xiao Qiang took the triple violent pill, he was still able to not lose the wind. In that thin body, he was able to control the supernatural power very well and burst out with powerful power.

After making up his mind, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in the form of a sword) tightly, and slashed at Wu Lao several times in a row, forcing Wu Lao to retreat. The continuous use of full-power weapons to collide, Xiao Qiang's knuckles had already been shaken to ooze blood.

Gently touching the button, the Thousand Chance Umbrella turned into a long-haired form, and with a dive, Xiao Qiang pretended to attack Wu Lao.


"Ding, the host uses the raid skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 31/100."

Looking at Xiao Qiang rushing forward, the whole person disappeared in front of him in an instant. Seeing this, Wu Lao guessed that Xiao Qiang used the skill he had just used again, turned around, held the candle long sword tightly, and slashed at the position behind him.

However, this knife did not make the sound of metal collision, but missed. Wu Lao saw that Xiao Qiang did not use the skill to raid his back to attack like before, but disappeared. Holding the long knife formed by the candle, Wu Lao looked around vigilantly and found that Xiao Qiang had actually reached Cheng Wen and the others.

Xiao Qiang had just discovered that Han Feng and the others were in a passive position, and had developed a way to deal with their continuous attacks using this smoke. He pretended to attack Wu Lao and forced Wu Lao back temporarily. The whole person used the surprise attack skill and arrived beside Cheng Wen and the others, ready to attack the two.

"Swish", Xiao Qiang instantly arrived behind Cheng Wen and the others, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella (spear form) in his hand, and stabbed out with a spear, stabbing at Cheng Wen's back. Cheng Wen also reacted very quickly. After all, he was a strong man of level 9. Even in the thick smoke, when Xiao Qiang arrived behind them, he had already discovered it, but before he could turn around, Xiao Qiang had already launched an attack on Cheng Wen.

Hearing Xiao Qiang stabbing him from behind, Cheng Wen thrust the heavy black-gold spear into the ground, and with the help of the black-gold spear, he moved to the left and avoided Xiao Qiang's sudden attack.

Xiao Qiang's attack missed, and he felt that the success rate of using this sudden attack technique had become lower and lower recently. Although the enemies he faced recently were more powerful, his own strength had also improved a lot. Moreover, when he first obtained this sudden attack technique, it helped Xiao Qiang kill a level 4 zombie. In this case, it can only be that the proficiency of this technique is too low. It seems that after this battle, he must find an opportunity to upgrade the technique.

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