Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 391 Explosive Fist (ask for bookshelf)

"Hmph, you're really strong before, but I've observed that you can only exert the strength of a strong man at level 8 at most now, and you are no match for me at all. Now, I will destroy you." Cheng Wen was a little angry when he was pushed back. He pointed forward with the black gold spear in his hand and said.

"Haha, it was because I was too worried before that the people from your M company were able to act arrogantly. It was not until I met him that I was able to abandon my worries and fight you with real swords and guns." As he spoke, Han Feng raised his head and looked at Xiao Qiang who was still on the roof, sweating profusely and holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand to fight against Wu Lao.

"A bunch of pigs, are you all, actually believing that a young man at level 8 of the strong man can defeat Wu Lao? It's a joke, I can easily defeat him." Cheng Wen followed Han Feng's gaze and glanced at Xiao Qiang on the roof, and said contemptuously.

"This is the difference between you and him. I believe in him. He is very different." Han Feng turned his head and said firmly.

"But before that, I need to help him clear the road and kill annoying flies like you." As he spoke, Han Feng's eyes released a gleam of light, and his whole momentum suddenly changed.

"Swish", Han Feng had already launched an attack, and his speed was extremely fast. He instantly arrived in front of Cheng Wen and punched at the back of Cheng Wen's head.

Cheng Wen naturally saw it very clearly. He raised the black gold spear in his hand and held it with both hands to block Han Feng's punch.

However, this time, Cheng Wen did not feel the very strong power coming from his hands. Instead, Han Feng relied on this collision to fly into the air, jumped over Cheng Wen's head, reached Cheng Wen's back, and continued to punch, punching Cheng Wen in the back. Cheng Wen did not turn around. He listened to the sound of Han Feng's punches coming from behind him. He passed the black gold spear along his waist, tightly held his back, and blocked Han Feng's attack. However, Cheng Wen felt that this punch was much stronger than the previous one.

"Explosive Fist!"

This is the trick used by Han Feng, called Explosive Fist. It relies on the constant movement of the body to punch, and the body shape is constantly changing and moving with each punch, so that it can find the best punching angle and attack the enemy's fatal vital position. Moreover, each punch is more powerful than the previous one, and the speed is also much faster. Of course, this skill is also a great consumption of the user's physical strength, and it also requires the user's mental power to be highly concentrated, to judge how to respond at the moment when the enemy blocks, find the best angle, make a judgment, and launch a fierce attack on the enemy.

"Swish, swish, swish", Han Feng's body has changed several positions, and punches are constantly attacking Cheng Wen's vital position. Facing such a fierce attack, Cheng Wen was so excited that he kept dancing the black-gold spear in his hand, protecting his whole body. For a moment, the fight between the two people on that field was dazzling, and the sunlight shone through the black-gold spear, reflecting rays of light.

With a "bang", the two fought a move and separated at the touch. This time, Han Feng did not continue to attack. After being shocked and retreating two steps, he stood in front of Cheng Wen and looked in Cheng Wen's direction.

Although Han Feng's strength was greatly limited and he could only exert the strength of a strong man at level 8, his speed and strength were also much less, but this explosive fist was carefully studied by Han Feng and was very suitable for Han Feng to use. Therefore, with the skills, Han Feng's strength was also improved.

"I heard before that Boss Han has a trick called Explosive Fist, but I saw it today and it feels very ordinary." Cheng Wen held the black-gold spear, looked at Han Feng, and said with some contempt.

"Haha, frog in the well, this is just the beginning, don't be anxious, now is the main event." Han Feng touched the black and gold gloves that Xiao Qiang had just given him, and replied to Cheng Wen with a slight smile.

As soon as the words fell, Han Feng launched another attack. The whole person took another step forward, and "swished" to arrive in front of Cheng Wen, and punched Cheng Wen's forehead. Cheng Wen raised the black and gold spear, "dang", Cheng Wen blocked this heavy punch, but Han Feng relied on this collision, the whole person lightly jumped over Cheng Wen's head and arrived behind Cheng Wen.

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