Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 392 Huang Rifei blocked a spear (ask for bookshelf!)

Just after landing, Han Feng turned around and punched Cheng Wen in the back. Cheng Wen still didn't turn around, but just passed the black gold spear around his waist and pressed it tightly against his back. With a "bang", the fist and the spear collided heavily, but this punch was much more powerful than the previous one. Even though Cheng Wen was prepared, he was still shocked by the punch and staggered forward.

The two sides continued to fight quickly, but the more Cheng Wen fought, the more frightened he became. Han Feng's speed was getting faster and faster, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger. Cheng Wen's moves had just been used, and Han Feng had already launched an attack, one move after another, and it felt like Han Feng knew how Cheng Wen would attack.

Slowly, Cheng Wen discovered that all of Han Feng's moves were still the same as before, but the speed and strength were much higher. Moreover, Han Feng seemed to have memorized these moves on purpose, even the defensive moves he had made under his instinctive reaction before, so that he could launch the attack so smoothly now.

Yes, this is exactly Han Feng's move. He knows that his strength is limited now. If he fights hard, he will definitely not be able to defeat Cheng Wen easily, so he uses the explosive fist to come up with such a method. Relying on the routines that he has tried before, he constantly launches attacks on Cheng Wen, and can rely on the remembered moves and routines to deal with Cheng Wen.

At this time, although Cheng Wen discovered Cheng Wen's routine, he couldn't make any changes at all. The explosive fist itself is very spicy and tricky. Every move is aimed at the enemy's vital points. In addition, it was Cheng Wen's instinctive reaction just now. Now Han Feng's speed has also increased a lot. Cheng Wen has no time to react. He can only continue to make moves under the same instinctive reaction just now. In addition, Han Feng deliberately memorized the moves, and even the moves can be faster. In this way, Cheng Wen was very passive and followed Han Feng's routine.

Soon, Cheng Wen was at a disadvantage, struggling to make ends meet, and showed signs of defeat. Even his body was hit by Han Feng's black gold boxing gloves, leaving many wounds, and his clothes were tattered.

"Bang", Cheng Wen did not keep up with Han Feng's moves, but used the black gold spear in his hand to deflect Han Feng's fist a little. Han Feng punched Cheng Wen on the back, and Cheng Wen was hit and flew out, "Puff" spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at Cheng Wen lying on the ground, holding his chest and slowly getting up, Han Feng leaped and was about to attack Cheng Wen again. However, although he turned his back, Cheng Wen had already heard the sound of Han Feng's sudden attack behind him. Instead of feeling anxious, he grinned lightly, and his hand did hold the front part of the black gold spear tightly.

Han Feng, who was behind Cheng Wen, naturally couldn't see Cheng Wen's movements, but Huang Ri, who was already seriously injured on the side, could see clearly and knew that Cheng Wen's abnormality must have some back-up plan.

"Old Han, be careful." Huang Ri yelled at Han Feng.

At the same time, Huang Ri had already covered the wound on his stomach, endured the strong pain, and ran towards the two people from the side.

"Backhand!" After hearing Han Feng arrive in front of him, Cheng Wen suddenly shouted loudly and used his own tricks.

Cheng Wen's movements were fast and sharp, without any delay. The whole person turned half around, holding the front part of the black gold spear, and suddenly thrust forward with force. The black gold spear flew out with the momentum, and the spear flew forward quickly. Cheng Wen accurately grasped the tail of the black gold spear again. The whole movement was extremely fast. When Cheng Wen turned around, the black gold spear had already flown out quickly.

However, Cheng Wen's spear did not pierce Han Feng, but pierced Huang Ri who rushed over. Just now, Huang Ri saw it and ran over quickly. Seeing that Cheng Wen's spear was about to hit Han Feng, he endured the tearing sensation from the wound and rushed forward to block Han Feng. He was also pierced by Cheng Wen's spear with his special move.

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