Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 393 Kill Cheng Wen (ask for bookshelf!)

Han Feng jumped over Huang Ri's body. Seeing that Huang Ri took the blow for him, he felt a little angry and heartbroken. However, his body suddenly flew forward, looking at Cheng Wen, and punched Cheng Wen's head.

Cheng Wen was also very surprised, but it was too late to retract the black gold spear at this time. A trace of fear soon appeared in his eyes. "Bang", a heavy fist hit Cheng Wen's head. The spikes on the black gold boxing gloves, like those on the wolf tooth stick, pierced into Cheng Wen's head. Blood slowly flowed out along Han Feng's black gold boxing gloves. Cheng Wen was blown away and fell to the ground, but there was no movement.

After Han Feng killed Cheng Wen with a punch, he turned around and quickly walked to Huang Ri's front, pulled out the black gold spear that was inserted into Huang Ri, threw it aside, and hugged Huang Ri in his arms.

"Old Huang, don't die, you will be fine, I will take you to see a doctor, I will take you to see a doctor, you must hold on." Han Feng hugged Huang Ri, tears in his eyes flowed out, looking at Huang Ri and yelling loudly.

"Old Han~Old Han, don't mess around, I know my own physical condition. I'm here, the people in Tongjiang Base are handed over to you. Although I haven't known Xiao Qiang for a long time, I can see that he is a very affectionate person. Following him, the brothers should be able to live well."

Huang Ri was a little weak, and he told Han Feng. As he spoke, Huang Ri slowly put down the hand holding Han Feng, and there was no movement.

"Old Huang, ah! Old Huang!" Han Feng was very sad, holding Huang Ri and yelling to the sky.

Xiao Qiang naturally heard Han Feng's shouting on the roof, and the whole person seemed to be very angry, and stepped up his attack on Wu Lao.

"It's all your fault. Why do you have to let humans kill each other? Why can't everyone live in peace? It's obviously the end of the world, but you still don't know how to help each other. Don't you know that only by continuing to help each other can humans survive?" Xiao Qiang was in a rage, and he attacked Wu Lao like a bombardment.

However, the time limit of the triple violent pill has reached, and Xiao Qiang's strength has also decreased a lot. The Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) has all been cut on the candle shield that Wu Lao used his supernatural power to create, which only stirred up a circle of candle shavings.

"Young people are young people. I also tell you that where there are people, there will be competition for interests. Even if it is the end of the world, what will happen?" Wu Lao looked at Xiao Qiang with some contempt and said indifferently.

At this time, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. The sound of some cicadas rang out, and the sun was still scorching. Everyone in the urban base had big men on their faces and their clothes were soaked.

The battles everywhere have all ended, except that Wang Peng led people to eliminate some remaining zombies.

Among them, the battle between Qiao Tong and Zhang Jun ended with Qiao Tong using his own secret technique to kill Zhang Jun who had taken drugs, but at the same time he fell into a coma and had not yet woken up.

The battle between Liu Xuan, Wu Ze and Wang Lei ended with Wang Lei desperately holding Liu Xuan and Wu Ze killing Liu Xuan. However, Wu Ze was also seriously injured and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness. He was arranged by Wang Peng to be placed in a tent and carefully taken care of.

The battle between Huang Ri and Han Feng and Cheng Wen and Yang En had just ended. Although Yang En used smoke bombs to cause a lot of trouble to the two during the period. However, fortunately, Xiao Qiang used the raid skill in time to run down. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also realized his proficiency in the technique and was determined to improve his proficiency in the technique. After Xiao Qiang raided, he used stink bombs and strong and sharp noises to destroy two important organs of Yang En, which greatly affected Yang En's strength. As a result, Yang En was easily killed, but Huang Ri blocked a spear for Han Feng and died together with Cheng Wen. The remaining Han Feng, although still had a certain fighting capacity, was also seriously injured and was being bandaged by Wu Shan and his men.

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