Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 395 The real battle begins (ask for bookshelf!)

"Squeak, squeak", the white candle vines quickly caught up with Xiao Qiang, and wrapped around the Thousand Chance Umbrella in circles, making a harsh sound.

Seeing this, Old Wu smiled softly in his heart, "Humph, he is just a strong man of level 8, but he is still too young after all."

Just when he thought that he had controlled Xiao Qiang with the candle vines, he saw the Thousand Chance Umbrella fall down with a "clang". The white candle vines were still wrapped around the Thousand Chance Umbrella, but Xiao Qiang had disappeared. When Old Wu was stunned, he heard a movement behind him, and a fierce attack attacked him.

Just now, after Xiao Qiang heard the movement under his feet, he knew that Old Wu had started to use that trick to trap him again, and the whole person hurriedly took off into the air. In the air, Xiao Qiang hid his entire body behind the Thousand Chance Umbrella. Xiao Qiang knew that due to the proficiency of the surprise attack technique, it was no longer possible to achieve a good sneak attack effect, so Xiao Qiang relied on the cover of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. At the same time, when Old Wu's attention was all focused on dealing with Xiao Qiang, he used the technique to achieve the effect of the sneak attack.

"Surprise attack!"

"Ding, the host uses the surprise attack technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 34/100."

Xiao Qiang instantly arrived behind Old Wu, looked at Old Wu in front, and began to attack.

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 22/100."

Since Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella was placed in front to attract Old Wu's attention, Xiao Qiang also used the Thunder Claw technique. Xiao Qiang instantly turned his right hand into a claw shape, with the bones of the claw bulging high and the blue veins on it clearly visible. With the momentum of thunder on the claw, one claw quickly moved sideways and grabbed Old Wu's neck.

Xiao Qiang stretched out his claws and grabbed Wu Lao's neck, pinching Wu Lao with five fingers. Wu Lao also reacted very quickly, and soon formed a layer of candle armor on his body.

With a "crack", Xiao Qiang used five fingers to crush his neck, but when Xiao Qiang looked at his hands, they were all candle fragments. Moreover, as Xiao Qiang exerted force, the figure in front of him turned into candle fragments and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was also a little confused. He looked around and found that Wu Lao had moved to the corner of the roof. It turned out that when Wu Lao felt Xiao Qiang's claws on his neck, he quickly formed a body shell with candles, but he fled to the distance. This is the scene of Xiao Qiang grabbing the candle fragments with one claw.

Pouting, Xiao Qiang felt that this ability was also very magical, and he was also full of curiosity about what kind of ability he would get after reaching the level of superpowers.

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 88/100."

Rolling forward, Xiao Qiang picked up the Thousand Machine Umbrella, used the Wolf Fang Step technique, and attacked Wu Lao again.

Soon Xiao Qiang arrived in front of Wu Lao, relying on the Wolf Fang Step, constantly changing his body shape, and used the Thousand Machine Umbrella (stick form) to attack Wu Lao's body. At this time, Wu Lao also covered his entire body with candles, with a shield in his left hand and a spear formed with candles in his right hand, and fought fiercely with Xiao Qiang.

At this time, the battle between the two was really started. Xiao Qiang used the five-fold violent pill, and Wu Lao was also angered by Xiao Qiang, using his various abilities to fight with Xiao Qiang on the roof.

"Dangdangdang", the two fought very quickly. Xiao Qiang relied on the Thousand Chance Umbrella made of black gold to collide with Wu Lao's candle spear, and he was always able to cut it off. However, soon, Wu Lao could use his supernatural power to form a candle spear. The two fought lively, and the people below were also very nervous to watch the fight between the two on the roof.

With a "dong", the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in the form of a knife) in Xiao Qiang's hand hit the candle spear that Wu Lao moved horizontally, and cut the candle spear off with one knife. Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella fell heavily to the ground on the roof.

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