Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 396: Wonderful Fight (ask for bookshelf!)

With a "boom", the roof of the building, which had been affected by the battle between the two, was full of holes. Under Xiao Qiang's powerful blow, the entire roof could no longer support it, and there was a crash. It collapsed, and Xiao Qiang and Mr. Wu also fell down.

Wu Lao staggered for a moment, and then quickly formed a huge candle armor around his body, wrapping his entire body. When it fell downstairs, it only stirred up a circle of candle shavings.

Xiao Qiang had the bonus of these bouncing shoes, so he fell from the roof into the house. The distance of a few meters was not enough for Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang gently rolled forward and landed steadily on the ground. superior.

Everyone downstairs heard a loud rumble and saw the entire roof collapse, and the two of them fell into the house. Although the group of people below could not help, they were very worried. They stretched their necks and looked nervously.

While everyone was looking nervously, they heard the sound of "crackling" glass breaking from the other side of the building. The people in the legion below, as well as the people in Longshan Base, also quickly changed their positions. , moved to the other side, and looked nervously into the distance to see the fight between the two.

This included Wu Shan. At this time, there were only dozens of zombies left. The remaining people, led by Wang Peng, continued to deal with the zombies. Wu Shan also led a group of people, planning to search for Li Zhong and his son, while also cleaning up the battlefield and cleaning up at the Black Gold Exchange.

"Everyone, please be careful when watching, and be careful to dodge at any time. That old man is not a good troublemaker. He might launch some hidden weapons." Wu Shan stood on the roof of a two-story building and looked around. Everyone who was fighting Xiao Qiang reminded loudly.

"Okay, no problem Brother Shan, this fight is really exciting. This Xiao Qiang is really amazing. He can fight with this old man Wu and suppress his head." The people below also echoed loudly.

At this time, Wu Shan was also very nervous about the situation with Xiao Qiang, but he did not urge others to stop looking and go to work quickly.

Everyone looked up and saw that the spacious glass window was shattered to the ground. The sound just now was also made by the broken glass. As the glass was broken, Mr. Wu jumped out of the building first, but he came out with his back turned. Not only that, Xiao Qiang also flew out of the window, holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in spear form) in his hand, pointing at Mr. Wu, and jumped out of the window. However, the Thousand Chance Umbrella in Xiao Qiang's hand It was indeed some distance from Mr. Wu's throat. It seemed that Mr. Wu also jumped out of the window to avoid it.

While he was in the air, everyone downstairs saw that Mr. Wu's body was slowly covered by white candles, especially his legs, forming a huge armor, as if he was wearing cotton pants.

With a "boom", Mr. Wu jumped onto the ground. The powerful impact caused Mr. Wu to smash out a big hole in the ground when he reached the ground, causing gravel to fly.

Everyone downstairs exclaimed that it was amazing, but they all quickly looked up, looking at Xiao Qiang with concern to see how he would fall after falling from the air. Seeing people in the air, Xiao Qiang saw Mr. Wu wrapped in a layer of armor and jumped down. He moved his thumb slightly and touched the button. The Thousand Planes Umbrella had turned into an umbrella form. Xiao Qiang slowly descended under his umbrella. When he was about to reach the ground, Xiao Qiang let go and jumped to the ground to stand firm.

"Wow, Mr. Wu is so powerful. He can control the candle at will and form a layer of armor. It's okay even if he jumps from such a high building."

"Xiao Qiang is also very powerful. Look at him jumping down from high places, and look at how handsome the treasure in his hand is, and he can switch modes."

"That is, you don't want to embolden others and destroy your own prestige. Didn't you see that Xiao Qiang pointed at Mr. Wu when he jumped down just now? I think he can definitely beat Mr. Wu. Come on, Brother Qiang!"

. . . . . .

In an instant, there was a roar of applause from the crowd, cheering for Xiao Qiang. After all, they have been living in urban bases for a long time and have heard about Mr. Wu's strength. However, Xiao Qiang can actually be on par with Mr. Wu and even have some advantages. Naturally, they are very excited.

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