Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 397 The Power of Rage Pill (Ask for bookshelf!)

After Xiao Qiang landed, he lightly stepped on the ground. He was like a high-speed car, moving forward quickly. He held out the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella in his hand and attacked Elder Wu again.

"Wolf Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 89/100."

Using the Wolf Fang Step and taking five times the Violent Pill, Xiao Qiang's speed and body agility reached the extreme. Everyone was watching from a distance, only to feel that Xiao Qiang was like a monkey, surrounding Mr. Wu standing in the middle and constantly holding out the Thousand Chance Umbrella to attack. After Xiao Qiang took five times the violent pill, both his strength and speed were much stronger than before.

At this moment, facing Elder Wu, Xiao Qiang continued to attack, waving the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in a dazzling manner, and each attack was heavily directed at Elder Wu, and each attack was directed at the vital part. Because Xiao Qiang's power has increased a lot, when Mr. Wu used the candle weapon to block again, he was interrupted a lot by Xiao Qiang. However, Mr. Wu was able to quickly activate his powers and create new ones again. The candle weapon, the candle fragments are also scattered on the ground. Looking from a distance, there is a large area of ​​white flowers.

Mr. Wu stood in the middle of the field. It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but he was forced to move by Xiao Qiang's water-like attack. He could only defend where he was. At this time, Mr. Wu also felt great pressure. Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, he has only felt this pressure on a few people in the base of the superior city. Now facing a strong level 8 character, It actually felt like a huge threat. Standing in the middle of the field, Mr. Wu didn't even have a chance to take a breath. If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have been entangled with Xiao Qiang for so long. He would have used his killing move as soon as he got up. Let him take such a pill. Being so passive, Mr. Wu was also frightened by Xiao Qiang's attacks. He regretted thinking that he was distracted by Xiao Qiang's constant attacks. There were big beads of sweat on his face due to the hot weather. Sliding off the cheek.

However, before Mr. Wu came up with a countermeasure, Xiao Qiang feinted from the front, and Mr. Wu was forced to raise his hands and use his superpower to create a candle shield. Xiao Qiang gently tapped the ground, changed direction, and used the wolf's fang footwork to move from front to back to the position behind Mr. Wu. But his hand had already lightly touched the button, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella transformed into a sword form.

While the man was still leaping backward in the air, Xiao Qiang slowly turned around, holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella with one hand, and fired backwards. Mr. Wu was also disturbed by Xiao Qiang's continuous attacks before. , let Xiao Qiang's feint fool him. At this moment, with both hands forward, he raised the candle shield for defense, and had no time to care about Xiao Qiang's knife from behind.

At the critical moment, Mr. Wu could only quickly control his powers to wrap a thick layer of candles on his back, protecting his entire back, forming a white solid protective film.

With a "dang" sound, Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella hit Mr. Wu's back heavily. With a heavy knife, the armor on Mr. Wu's back was cut into two halves. With a "clang" sound, that The white candle armor fell to the ground. Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella also touched Elder Wu's back. Although it did not cut Elder Wu's back, it hit Elder Wu's back heavily with strong force. Elder Wu was pushed away and staggered. Elder Wu used his powers to create many pillars on his body and stabilized his body. However, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella slapped on his body still made Elder Wu vomit out a mouthful of blood. .

Turning around, Mr. Wu stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and took a look. Looking at Xiao Qiang, he was about to burst into flames. He held his hands, and his hands were shaking because he was too angry. After all, after reaching the awakening level, this was the first time that he was beaten with blood by someone of such a low level. .

"Humph, you brat, you didn't know what the sky was after you took a pill, and you dared to beat me to the point of bleeding. Now, I'll show you what real terrifying strength is, so that you don't know what the world is like anymore." Wu Lao opened his mouth, pointed at Xiao Qiang and said.

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