Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 398 Super Transformation (Ask for the bookshelf!)

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang was getting more excited. In addition, he could hurt Old Wu now, and he was more powerful than Old Wu in terms of momentum. More importantly, his five-fold violent pill had a time limit, so Xiao Qiang had to take advantage of the time of the five-fold violent pill to inflict the greatest damage on Old Wu.

After hearing what Old Wu said, Xiao Qiang's mouth corners slightly raised, and without answering, he jumped up high with the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) in his hand.

However, Old Wu, who was standing there, seemed to be frightened. He stood there motionless. Xiao Qiang, who was flying in the air, saw a smile on the corner of Old Wu's mouth, and looked at Xiao Qiang with some contempt. Although he felt something was wrong, he was in the air, and now he had taken the five-fold violent pill, so Xiao Qiang did not think too much and continued to attack Old Wu.

Seeing that Xiao Qiang was about to approach Wu Lao, the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in the form of a knife) in his hand was about to chop Wu Lao's body. But Wu Lao suddenly moved, and the corners of his mouth were completely grinning, revealing an incredible smile. Wu Lao slowly raised his right hand, and soon a huge white armor spread out from the shoulder of his right hand, wrapping the whole arm tightly. When the white candle reached the palm position, a huge white candle palm actually grew out at the attachment of the palm.

The palm was very huge, and after the palm was stretched out, it was actually much larger than half of the car. With five fingers open, the palm grabbed Xiao Qiang who was rushing over, and the huge palm grabbed Xiao Qiang's whole body in his hand. When Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella was about to reach Wu Lao, it quickly retreated to the back. Then, Xiao Qiang's body fell heavily to the ground.

The huge impact force broke the cement on the ground and created huge cracks. Xiao Qiang was knocked to the ground and picked up the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the side. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella, rubbed his shoulders, and struggled to stand up. But he felt a huge shadow in front of him, as if a huge monster appeared in front of him.

Xiao Qiang raised his head and looked forward, only to see that Old Wu was standing in front of Xiao Qiang. In addition to the huge candle arms, Xiao Qiang found that Old Wu was wrapped up in his whole body, like a Transformer.

Outside of Old Wu's body, it was as if he was wearing a huge candle coat. From top to bottom, he wore a huge thick helmet on his head, which tightly wrapped his head. Except for the face, the rest of the body was tightly wrapped, even the neck was no exception. The upper body is wearing a huge armor, which has some patterns on it, all kinds of patterns, especially on the shoulders of the armor, which are particularly thickened. The legs are wrapped in huge candle pants, including Wu Lao's feet, which are all wearing a pair of huge white candle shoes. The most important thing is that after Wu Lao used such a trick, the height of his whole body actually reached the height of two floors, and the whole body was wide enough, standing there like a small mountain. These clothes are tightly connected together, and they will change with Wu Lao's movements, just like the clothes originally put on Wu Lao, without any sense of heaviness.

Xiao Qiang just stood up, and Wu Lao's huge palm changed into a white axe formed by candles. The wide and sharp axe hit Xiao Qiang's head. Xiao Qiang looked up and saw the wide axe blade.

"Oh my god, do you have to be so cruel?" Xiao Qiang couldn't help shrinking his head back, opening his eyes wide, and couldn't help but complain loudly.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang hurriedly took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella, stabbed it hard against the ground, and relied on the Thousand Chance Umbrella to jump backwards. With a "boom", the huge axe didn't hit Xiao Qiang, but hit the ground where Xiao Qiang was standing.

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