Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 399 Large Candle

The huge impact force cut a huge hole in the face, and the concrete floor near the hole was shaken and stones were splashed.

Xiao Qiang retreated quickly and jumped to the back. The dust that was raised made Xiao Qiang's head and face full of dust.

Xiao Qiang fanned the dust in front of him with his hand and coughed twice. The axe attacked Xiao Qiang again. Although Wu Lao's body became bigger, his speed was not affected at all. Even if Xiao Qiang took the five-fold violent pill, he did not dare to fight against the wide and powerful axe. He had to step hard on the ground and rushed out.

After landing, Xiao Qiang rolled forward to avoid it. Wu Lao launched a continuous attack on Xiao Qiang. Just like Xiao Qiang before, as long as Xiao Qiang just landed, Wu Lao's axe would chop him with a huge force of wind.

Xiao Qiang looked very embarrassed and kept dodging. His whole body was covered with sweat. He could not fight him and could only dodge.

"Alas, this old Wu is too powerful. His whole body has become so huge."

"It's mainly because his level is too high, and he has many kinds of superpowers. It seems that Xiao Qiang is in danger now."

"We have to believe in Xiao Qiang. Although he didn't fight against Old Wu, he must have his own tricks. We still have to believe in him."

... . . . . .

The people next to him saw that Old Wu had become bigger and forced Xiao Qiang to flee, and they also talked about it.

Old Wu chopped Xiao Qiang with another axe. Xiao Qiang jumped high and stepped on the wall of the building. After a few consecutive kicks, he ran over from the outside of the wall. Following Xiao Qiang, a huge axe chased Xiao Qiang's body and chopped over. The sharp and huge candle blade cut a huge hole in the outer wall of the building, and the broken bricks fell to the ground.

After Xiao Qiang landed, he jumped and leaned against a room. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella and looked at Old Wu. He was looking at the huge axe and panting.

"Ding, the time limit of the five-fold violent pill is up."

The axe that Old Wu moved horizontally did not hit Xiao Qiang, but the whole huge body jumped high and rushed towards Xiao Qiang's landing at a very fast speed. Xiao Qiang, who was leaning against the corner of the wall, only felt a huge shadow coming from far to near, and soon arrived in front of Xiao Qiang's body.

Xiao Qiang heard the system's prompt sound, and the power of his body felt quickly drawn out, and he returned to the moment of the strong man level 8. The whole body was exhausted. When he was in a daze, he saw the axe coming at him. There was no place to hide. Facing the huge axe, he could only raise the Thousand Machine Umbrella to defend himself. While raising the umbrella, Xiao Qiang gently touched the button, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella changed into an umbrella. He raised it upwards, and with a "bang", the huge axe collided with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

The strong pressure made the Thousand Machine Umbrella vibrate with a "buzzing" sound. Xiao Qiang, who was hiding under the umbrella, felt great pressure. The strong vibration made Xiao Qiang's knuckles ooze blood, and he was about to lose the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Not only that, under one blow, the strong pressure caused the cement floor under Xiao Qiang's feet to shatter, and the broken bricks were scattered everywhere.

Moreover, when Old Wu saw that Xiao Qiang was not bent down by one blow, his broad hand grasped the giant axe and continued to press down hard. Xiao Qiang felt even stronger pressure, and his legs couldn't help but bend slowly. At this time, a small pit had been pressed out under Xiao Qiang's feet, and the depth was not enough for Xiao Qiang's knees. Under the heavy pressure of Wu Lao, the candle axe and the Thousand Chance Umbrella squeezed, and the candle axe was bent. It was enough to see the solidity of the Thousand Chance Umbrella made of black gold. Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth tightly and held on desperately. Under the strong pressure, Xiao Qiang couldn't stop bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

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