Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 400 Powerful Attack

"Ah~" Xiao Qiang roared, the veins on his arms popped out, and his whole face became ferocious. He pushed his arms upwards with force, pushing the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and the giant ax upward for a certain distance. Taking advantage of the distance he had blocked, Xiao Qiang quickly used his technique and escaped from this fast place.


"Ding, the host uses the surprise technique, the current proficiency is +1, the proficiency is 30/100."

Mr. Wu struck down with the axe, only to find that the huge candle ax had only hit the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The huge force squeezed and hit the sharp black gold, causing the entire axe to be curled, and half of the axe was curled. They all fell down. However, there was no trace of Xiao Qiang under the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, and only one Thousand Manifestations Umbrella fell on the ground.

At this time, Xiao Qiang had already used the surprise technique to run out from under the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. His powerful strength made it impossible for Xiao Qiang to take away the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, and he appeared behind Mr. Wu out of thin air. Turning his fingers slightly, the bone spur dagger was taken out and held in Xiao Qiang's hand. A big drop of sweat slid down Xiao Qiang's cheek and fell to the ground. Xiao Qiang held the bone spur dagger and threw himself forward, stabbing behind Mr. Wu.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wu discovered Xiao Qiang's traces, threw the huge candle ax aside, turned around, and raised his fist, which was much wider than Xiao Qiang's body. It landed on Xiao Qiang and knocked him aside hard. Xiao Qiang's body hit the glass of the building and he fell into the building.

After hitting Xiao Qiang neatly with one blow, Mr. Wu continued to raise his left hand, spread out his huge palm, and pointed the palm of his left hand at Xiao Qiang. In the center of Mr. Wu's white palm, a huge shape slowly formed. He held the white candle dagger, his fingers were slightly bent, and the white dagger came out of his palm and struck at the place where Xiao Qiang fell.

Xiao Qiang received that huge fist, and his whole body was in pain, as if he had been hit by a high-speed moving car. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang's physical fitness is strong enough now, and Xiao Qiang is not seriously harmed by one blow. Seeing the huge white dagger flying towards him, he no longer had the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand to resist it. He kicked his legs hard on the ground, jumped into the air, jumped to the side, and hid. .

After rolling forward, Xiao Qiang had just regained his balance, and then another huge white candle dagger rushed towards Xiao Qiang's face. Without the Thousand Chance Umbrella in hand, Xiao Qiang did not dare to fight hard and continued to be embarrassed. fled to the side. Xiao Qiang kept running away inside the building. Mr. Wu who was standing outside slowly moved his body and kept shooting the huge white candle dagger at Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang also hurriedly avoided and was hit by those white candles. Chase and keep running away.

When he reached the wall of the house, he swooped forward, pointed the bone spur dagger forward, and scratched the window from the wall, then jumped into another room. The huge white candle dagger followed closely, and the dagger hit the wall, causing the wall to collapse. The bricks were shattered on the ground, and dust was stirred up all over the ground. From here, too It is enough to see how powerful Mr. Wu is.

Xiao Qiang kept running, while Mr. Wu kept shooting white daggers, forcing Xiao Qiang to keep charging forward, and he was extremely embarrassed.

With a "swipe", when Xiao Qiang reached the end of the roof, he changed direction, broke out of the window in the building, rolled forward, jumped to the open space, and asked to stop.

Behind him, the building that was riddled with holes was originally hit by Mr. Wu's huge dagger. After Mr. Wu fired it again at the end, it finally couldn't hold up. The entire three-story building, With a "crash", everything fell to the ground, and a thick layer of dust rose up, covering Xiao Qiang.

At this time, Xiao Qiang was as embarrassed as he could be. He seemed to have been rolled out of the soil. His clothes were in tatters, and his top was torn off and fell to the ground, revealing his He had bronzed skin and solid muscles, and his entire upper body was dirty due to sweat and dust.

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