Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 401 Stabbed in the Shoulder

However, Xiao Qiang had no time to clean up the dust on his body, because soon after the building collapsed, Wu Lao's hands continued to move. The sharp candle dagger reflected a white light and continued to attack Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang rushed forward and dodged a long dagger, which was inserted directly into the concrete floor behind Xiao Qiang. "Thump, thump, thump", several times in a row, as Xiao Qiang continued to sprint forward to dodge, behind Xiao Qiang, several candle daggers shot by Wu Lao were neatly inserted, inserted diagonally into the concrete floor, and lined up there, looking like an organ.

When he was about to reach Wu Lao, Xiao Qiang ran forward two steps, stepped on the concrete floor, exerted his strength, and rushed up suddenly.

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 23/100."

Xiao Qiang's five fingers formed into claws, and the whole person soared into the sky, and the height of the jump reached the height of a two-story building, which was the same height as Wu Lao's body after he grew bigger. "Bang", Xiao Qiang's thunder-like claws hit Wu Lao's body, and his five fingers exerted force, leaving a claw mark on the white, thick candle armor. But the candle armor was too thick, and Xiao Qiang couldn't penetrate it even with the Thunder Claw, but his fingers were deeply embedded in the armor.

Xiao Qiang saw that the attack failed, and was about to pull out his palm. When he continued to claw at Wu Lao, he felt that the candles around his palm were moving quickly, slowly wrapping Xiao Qiang's palm, and it was actually firmly trapped. Xiao Qiang was also surprised. He didn't expect that the awakening-level strongman's control over supernatural powers was so powerful.

With his legs kicking on the transformed candle body of Wu Lao, he kept shaking his arms and holding his right arm with his left hand. Xiao Qiang wanted to pull out his arm from the candle. Unexpectedly, the circles of candles, like vines and glue, tightly bound Xiao Qiang's arms, making it impossible for Xiao Qiang to pull his hands out and break free.

After Wu Lao trapped Xiao Qiang with the candles on his shoulders, he quickly formed a dagger in his palm. The sharp tip was swept by the sunlight, emitting a dazzling cold light, constantly approaching Xiao Qiang's body and attacking Xiao Qiang's body.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang became even more flustered, and his forehead was sweating profusely. In addition, the candle itself was relatively smooth, and Xiao Qiang couldn't use his full strength even if he kicked his legs on it.

"Ah~" Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce Xiao Qiang's body, Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth, used the power of the Thunder Claw on his claws to the extreme, pulled back hard, and cut off all the candles between his fingers with his five fingers. Due to inertia, his whole body fell backwards with a large piece of candle on his hand.

With a "thump", Xiao Qiang fell heavily to the ground, and the large piece of candle on his hand was also broken into candle fragments and scattered all over the ground.

Just after falling to the ground, Xiao Qiang felt a shadow coming from far and near and attacking Xiao Qiang in front of him. Xiao Qiang turned slightly and saw that it was the huge white candle dagger in Wu Lao's hand. He hurriedly raised the bone spur dagger, and with a "dang" sound, the bone spur dagger collided with the candle dagger, slightly blocking the candle dagger and shifting it a distance, avoiding the vital point, but the candle dagger still pierced into Xiao Qiang's shoulder.

"Xiao Qiang!"

"Are you okay? It seems that he was stabbed by Wu Lao's candle dagger."

"Alas, he is still an awakened strongman, or his strength is too strong."

Everyone watched from a distance, only to see Xiao Qiang fall heavily to the ground, and the huge white candle dagger in Wu Lao's hand was inserted into Xiao Qiang's body. Suddenly, the crowd started to talk again, and some people unconsciously put their hands on the machine gun, ready to respond to Wu Lao's attack at any time.

Wang Peng had just finished cleaning up the zombies and was directing people to clean up the battlefield and check if there were any remaining zombies. Suddenly, he saw the situation on Xiao Qiang's side. He took off the crescent bow from his back and ran towards Xiao Qiang.

On the other side, Wu Shan saw Xiao Qiang fall to the ground, raised his machine gun forward, jumped down from the roof, and ran towards this side with people.

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