Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 402: Using the Shattering Palm

Han Feng, who was sitting in the tent and resting, was probably the least injured among the groups of people who had just fought. At this time, hearing the movement outside, he also walked out of the tent and looked at the movement in the distance. Touching the wound on his chest, Han Feng gritted his teeth, looked into the distance with firm eyes, took out the black gold glove Xiao Qiang gave him from his pocket, and tied it hard. Although he was injured, Han Feng decided to stand in front of these people and try to stop Mr. Wu as much as possible.

Xiao Qiang was naturally aware of the movements of the people behind him. After the candle dagger penetrated his shoulder and was nailed to the ground, Xiao Qiang was so painful that tears almost came out of his eyes. Before the end of the world, Xiao Qiang had never experienced this kind of pain. Although his body's strength has increased a lot now, the pain that penetrates his shoulder is no joke.

Although he was sweating profusely from the pain, Xiao Qiang lay on the ground breathing heavily. Hearing the movement behind him, Xiao Qiang knew that it was Wang Peng and the others who were preparing to rush forward, but how could Xiao Qiang let them rush forward. This Mr. Wu is so powerful that even he has fallen into a passive position. Even if they rush forward, they will only serve as cannon fodder for Mr. Wu.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang slowly raised his right hand and raised it high to the people behind him, signaling them not to come this way.

When Wang Peng and the others saw this, although they were very worried, they still stopped moving forward and looked nervously at the battle between Xiao Qiang and Mr. Wu.

Then, he looked at Mr. Wu walking towards him calmly, looking like he had a chance to win. Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth, put his hands on the ground, and slowly sat up. He stood up with the long white candle dagger on his body. Xiao Qiang's blood flowed on the white candle dagger, and he stood up. The white dagger was dyed red.


"Ding, the host uses the surprise technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 32/100."

Xiao Qiang stood up. Compared with Old Wu's body, which had grown in size and was almost two stories tall, Xiao Qiang, standing face to face, looked particularly small. After standing up, Xiao Qiang opened his eyes wide, covered in blood, and looked at Mr. Wu who was walking towards him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes were firm, and he used the surprise attack technique.

In an instant, Xiao Qiang arrived behind Mr. Wu. Looking at Mr. Wu's broad body, Xiao Qiang used his own technique.

"Shattered Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses Shattered Palm, proficiency +1, current proficiency is 58/100."

Shattered Palm can be said to be one of the most powerful techniques that Xiao Qiang has acquired. He has not used it just now because although Shattered Palm is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. Although Xiao Qiang's current energy value is greatly increased than before, after using so many techniques, there is not much remaining energy value. Therefore, Xiao Qiang was not sure that Broken Palm could hit Mr. Wu, and he did not dare to take action easily. Now, he was shot through the shoulder by Mr. Wu with a dagger, and he had just made several surprise attacks behind Mr. Wu, but did not injure Mr. Wu, so now Mr. Wu is the most lax, even if Mr. Wu knows Xiao Qiang suddenly rushed behind him, and he didn't even think about avoiding it.

Sure enough, after seeing Xiao Qiang disappear again in front of him, Mr. Wu smiled contemptuously and said: "It's just a small skill, it's just a desperate struggle."

As he spoke, Wu Laoban turned around, and used his supernatural power to transform a huge ax in his hand. He waved his arm, and he was about to swing the ax at Xiao Qiang's body again.

Unexpectedly, before Mr. Wu could turn around, he felt a whistling wind coming to his ears. Then, he felt a huge impact coming from his body, and his huge body was hit backwards with a "thud". At the same time, Mr. Wu felt that the huge candle package formed by his supernatural power was being continuously digested by the impact and slowly scattered. As Mr. Wu retreated, candle armor also fell to the ground along the way. After falling on the ground, it turned into candle debris.

Moreover, not only that, after destroying the candle package on Mr. Wu's body, the impact was still powerful. Like slices of knife cuts, the scratches on Mr. Wu's body exposed his already thin body, making big gashes one after another. The body was covered with wounds, which looked very scary.

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