Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 403 Strong Body

Perhaps it was because of the advanced skills. After Xiao Qiang reached the 8th level of the strong, the power of the Shattering Palm became much stronger after using it again. It was not like a surprise attack. After facing the strong, it seemed a little weak. It needed to improve its proficiency to exert greater strength.

Flying in the air, Wu Lao was cut by the impact and his body was full of holes. It was also in unbearable pain. He continued to use his supernatural power to form layers of candles to wrap his body, but he was soon affected by the power of the Shattering Palm and the candle wrapping on his body was eliminated.

With a "boom", Wu Lao fell heavily to the ground. The whole person's shirt had been cut and there was no trace of it. Some parts of his body were still tightly wrapped by candles, but most of his body was covered with wounds. At a glance, all of them were red cuts.

After Xiao Qiang used a palm-breaking move, he was exhausted. In addition, the huge wound on his shoulder made him fall from the air and land on the ground. After lying on the ground for a long time, Xiao Qiang slowly woke up. Struggling to sit up, Xiao Qiang gently touched the wound on his shoulder, looking at Wang Peng and others running towards him in the distance, with his mouth raised and grinning slightly. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Wu Lao who was lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiang saw that Wu Lao, who was lying on the ground, moved his fingers slightly, and then he supported himself with his hands and turned sideways to Xiao Qiang, trying to struggle to get up.

"Don't come over, stop everything." Xiao Qiang didn't expect that his strongest skill could not kill Wu Lao after accurately hitting his body. So when he saw Wang Peng and others rushing over, he also stopped them loudly.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang stood up, enduring the huge pain from his shoulder. With a slight flick of his wrist, he took out the bone spur dagger from the system, ran forward two steps, and was about to stab at Wu Lao who had just stood up, intending to kill him before Wu Lao stood up.

Unexpectedly, just as he approached Wu Lao, he saw that Wu Lao had raised his right hand, and a large white disc formed in his right hand, aiming at Xiao Qiang. But soon, the large white disc was dispersed into small white discs, which shook gently and attacked Xiao Qiang.

"Dangdang", with two consecutive sounds, Xiao Qiang waved the bone spur dagger, blocked the small white discs that were shot at him, and knocked all the discs that were close to his body to the ground. At the same time, he stopped moving forward, did a side flip, and dodged to the side.

"The annoying flies simply don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is." Old Wu's eyes were full of anger, and he stood up and whispered softly.

Old Wu stood in the middle, but continued to raise his other hand and pointed it at the position where Wang Peng and the others were. On the other hand, a white candle disc was quickly formed.

"Get out of the way!" Xiao Qiang saw Old Wu's action and knew that he was going to use this trick on other people. Xiao Qiang, who was hiding behind the wall, stood up and spoke loudly to Wang Peng and others on the opposite side.

At this moment, Old Wu stood in the center of the venue, his clothes were ragged, and his body was covered with red blood. His skinny body stood in the middle, his eyes were red, and a strong color with crazy meaning burst out from the middle, like a madman.

Wang Peng and Wu Shan heard Xiao Qiang's shouting, and began to shout loudly to the people around them, asking them to hide in the bunker and avoid the round pieces that were shot over.

Here, Wang Peng had just finished speaking when those small and sharp candle discs attacked him. Wang Peng raised the crescent bow high and turned it continuously to block those discs. At the same time, Wang Peng saw with his peripheral vision that Wu Shan was still standing in the front, loudly commanding everyone to quickly spread out to avoid the white discs that were shooting at him. Seeing that the white discs were about to reach Wu Shan, Wu Shan still didn't know how to avoid them. Wang Peng took two quick steps and pounced forward, knocking Wu Shan to the ground.

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