Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 405 Giant Candle Sculpture

"Ah~", Xiao Qiang was squeezed hard by the giant palm, and felt severe pain in his body, and couldn't help shouting. The whole body kept struggling, trying to break free from the giant palm. However, before Xiao Qiang could exert force, he felt that the candles around his body had begun to become sticky and attached to his body, and then, circles of candles wrapped around him.

A long candle pillar suddenly shot out from the center of Wu Lao's palm, and the candles wrapped around it lifted Xiao Qiang into the air. Xiao Qiang flipped his fingers and adjusted the dagger to a position suitable for him to hold. He flipped his wrist gently, preparing to use force to cut the circle of candles wrapped around his body.

However, before Xiao Qiang took action, Wu Lao used his supernatural power, and saw that the candle fragments scattered around and the candles dropped in the previous fight quickly gathered together. At the same time, a lot of candles slowly flew out from Wu Lao's other palm. Wrapping Xiao Qiang tightly in circles, layer by layer, slowly compressing and becoming tight. In the end, the numerous candles actually completely wrapped Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang also struggled violently at the beginning, and was entangled and unable to move. Xiao Qiang could not be seen from the outside at all, forming a sculpture.

The sculpture was huge, and the whole body was actually taller than the 6-story building. It was located next to it. From the other side, you can see the top of the sculpture through the building. The sculpture is standing, and there are various shapes outside, including clothes and expressions. If you look closely, you will find that this person's appearance was built by Wu Lao according to his own appearance, standing tall there. This move is also Wu Lao's strongest move. By using supernatural powers, a large number of candles are created, and then these candles are constantly attached to the enemy's body, entangled layer by layer, making the enemy unable to move and controlled in this huge sculpture.

"Look, look, what is that white sculpture?" Someone in the running crowd saw the huge sculpture and exclaimed.

"It feels like a human shape. Could it be that Mr. Wu has transformed again?" Someone looked at the sculpture and guessed.

"No, I just saw it. Mr. Wu used a candle to trap Xiao Qiang in it, and then the sculpture was formed." Someone just saw the process of Xiao Qiang being trapped in the sculpture and said to everyone.

The crowd immediately exclaimed. The joy brought by Xiao Qiang's palm knocking down Mr. Wu was immediately dispersed by Mr. Wu's powerful strength.

"Don't look at it, hurry up, everyone find a shelter to hide, we have to believe in Xiao Qiang, and don't add difficulties to Xiao Qiang now." Wu Shan stood in the crowd. Although he kept urging everyone to hide in the wall of the house, he couldn't help but turn his head and look in the direction of Xiao Qiang, looking around, his eyes rolling, and he was also full of worry.

Old Wu looked at the huge sculpture, motionless. Xiao Qiang was trapped in the middle of the huge sculpture and couldn't move. Old Wu showed a smile, and he was not in a hurry to kill Xiao Qiang at this moment.

With his hands in seals, Old Wu used his supernatural power, and saw white candles growing under Old Wu's feet, tightly wrapping Old Wu's feet, and then slowly growing longer, growing into a long pillar, and actually dragged Old Wu up. Old Wu stood on the long white candle pillar, and his height was as high as the big sculpture.

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was trapped in the sculpture, felt that his whole body was sticky, and it was pitch black around him. The circle of candles that were close to Xiao Qiang's skin, like melted candle oil, was tightly attached to Xiao Qiang's body, and it was also very uncomfortable. There were also those solid candles outside, but these candles were much harder than before, and they became much tighter. Xiao Qiang was trapped in it, let alone struggling, even moving his fingers was very difficult.

Old Wu stood outside, his mouth curled slightly, revealing a smile, and reached into his pocket, slowly pulling out a bronze cigar. With his other hand, he took out a lighter from another pocket. With a "pop", Old Wu opened the lid of the lighter, lighted the flame, lit the cigar in his hand, took a puff, and revealed a comfortable smile.

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