"Your name is Xiao Qiang, right? I really didn't think about it. This small Xuzhou City is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. First, two demons appeared in the urban area. They were powerful, but after all, their levels were very high. Unexpectedly, there would be another one today. There appeared a you, who only had the strength of a strong man at level 8, but not only did you have many skills and treasures, you were able to force me to this point, and you were able to let me use my strongest moves. At the beginning, I only used this strongest move to hurt one of the demons in the city." Mr. Wu stood calmly on the candle pillar. This calmness came from his trust in his own ultimate move. , so he spoke slowly.

Although Xiao Qiang was trapped in the huge candle sculpture, he could still hear Mr. Wu's voice with his keen hearing. However, although he wanted to talk, Xiao Qiang's body was firmly trapped, even Xiao Qiang's face was no exception. He wanted to tremble his lips, but found that he couldn't move at all.

"However, although I am curious about your ability to possess so many weapons and techniques, I was originally going to take you to a higher-level city to ask you, but unfortunately, you have angered me now, so I decided to do it now. Kill you. As for the remaining people, I'm afraid they are no match for me, including Han Feng, who is one level higher than you. You are very powerful, but it is a pity that you met me. " Mr. Wu took a puff of his cigar, blew out a smoke ring, turned his head and looked at Wang Peng and the others, and then continued to talk to the sculpture in front of him.

"By the way, I need to explain to you that this candle is different from the one that wrapped your body just now. Specifically, the material is different. The candle made of this material is more compact, but it is It is also flammable, so it only takes a small amount of flame to ignite this huge sculpture, and you will be trapped in this solid sculpture, unable to move, and will be burned by the flame ignited by this candle. Surrounded and burned alive." Mr. Wu stood on the candle pillar and kept moving. Miraculously, the candle could change shape with the movement of Mr. Wu's body and adapt to his actions. Mr. Wu also looked at his masterpiece in front of him with a proud expression and said.

As he spoke, Mr. Wu gently lit the lighter and threw it forward. However, he slowly stepped back and stood high on the candle pillar, intending to watch his masterpiece.

With a "crash", the lighter slowly flew forward, and finally touched the huge sculpture. As expected, as Mr. Wu said, the material of this kind of candle is very flammable, and the flame of the lighter just touched the sculpture. Above, a layer of light blue flame was ignited on the outer surface of the candle sculpture. The flame quickly spread and surrounded the entire sculpture. A thick smell of burning candles began to spread. Then, The large drops of candle oil produced after burning began to slowly drip onto the ground, forming large traces. At first, the outermost layer of flames was just a few small flames. However, the further it burned, the more it felt like the flames were getting bigger and bigger.

Xiao Qiang naturally heard what Mr. Wu said, and he looked extremely panicked. Now, the whole person is trapped in this sculpture, but he can't even speak, let alone struggle to escape from here. If it was like Mr. Wu said, it would not be fun for him to be burned to death by the flame lit by this candle. Standing among the sculptures, Xiao Qiang kept telling himself to calm down.

"Xiao Cong, help me, I'm trapped here now, is there any way to help me escape from here?" Xiao Qiang was trapped there, and he could feel a trace of heat all over his body, so he asked anxiously.

"Master host, although this system is powerful, it must act according to the rules. What's more, you now have some basic entry-level strength. If you can't even break such a small sculpture, then you are really This system's careful cultivation of you is in vain. Host, don't panic, think carefully, you will definitely be able to break this simple candle sculpture." Xiao Cong still looked like he had just woken up, rubbing his cute big eyes. , said to Xiao Qiang.

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