Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 415 Li Zhong escaped

"Don't worry, it will be done. We have just sent people to catch Li Zhong and the others. The results will be out soon. The two nodded and said.

"By the way, the batch of materials in the urban area must be arranged properly. Starting tomorrow, we will arrange people to take the materials. It is not safe to leave them in the urban area. In addition, when sending people to Tongjiang Base, we must ensure that... "Xiao Qiang said to Wang Peng and Wu Shan weakly, saying everything in detail.

However, before Xiao Qiang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Peng: "Okay, your task now is to have a good rest, and the rest of the things will be handled by us. Don't worry, you have a good rest, and I will definitely handle the rest of the things. "

After saying that, Wang Peng didn't wait for Xiao Qiang to continue speaking. He waved his hand and signaled the two people behind him to come over. He lifted Xiao Qiang into the tent and rested first, and then followed Wu Shan and the others to work.

Xiao Qiang rested in the tent for more than an hour. He felt much more comfortable, but still a little weak. At this time, the sky was slowly getting dark, and it was already approaching evening.

"Xiao Qiang, you're awake. I was thinking of not disturbing you. It's just right. I have a few things to tell you briefly. "Wang Peng opened the door of the tent and saw that Xiao Qiang had woken up. He walked into the tent and said.

"Well, tell me. I just woke up, you helped me up, my body was still exerting force, I couldn't make too big movements, I couldn't use any force, I was bored, so I just told me something. "Xiao Qiang slowly raised his hand with great effort and said to Wang Peng.

Wang Peng walked to Xiao Qiang's body, stretched out his hand, slowly lifted Xiao Qiang up, and leaned on the table beside him.

"What kind of martial arts are you using? It's quite powerful. When we go back, I'm afraid Li Wei and the others will definitely tease you. "Wang Peng stood up and looked at Xiao Qiang, saying jokingly.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Li Wei hasn't started teasing me yet, but you started teasing me first. You two are husband and wife. "Xiao Qiang also smiled and replied.

"Ahem, that, we searched for Li Zhong and his son. After a simple exchange of fire, Li Feng was killed. However, Li Zhong was carrying a device like a flying device, flew high up, and ran away. You and Brother Han were both in the tent, and my arm was injured again. I couldn't stop him, so I could only let him run away. "Wang Peng was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject and talked to Xiao Qiang about business.

"Yeah, Li Feng has done a lot of evil. But Li Zhong escaped and will definitely come back for revenge. After returning to the base, you must pay more attention to the news in this regard, be careful to guard against them, and strengthen the guard of the base. "Xiao Qiang nodded, frowned, thought for a while and said to Wang Peng.

"Also, just now there were indeed three hunter teams, about 10 people, saying that you asked them to come and have something to discuss with them. With the help of Brother Han, they all expressed their willingness to join our Longshan base, but they all expressed that they wanted to meet you, the person who defeated Old Wu. Of course, among them was a girl named Miaomiao, who was clamoring to meet you. "Wang Peng looked at Xiao Qiang, smiled playfully, and spoke.

Xiao Qiang remembered that the girl named Miaomiao was a member of a hunting team that he met by chance when he just came to the city. He rescued her at that time. Moreover, after arriving at the city base, it was Miaomiao who asked Sister Rourou to take good care of her. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang was a little worried. Miaomiao must like him a little. It seems that he has to make it clear to her quickly. Unexpectedly, when he arrived in the end of the world, as his strength became stronger, his popularity with women also began to improve.

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