Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 416: Now I can get rich

"Yes, it's time to meet them, so let's arrange for them to come in. Xiao Qiang nodded, curled his lips, and spoke to Wang Peng.

After a while, Xiao Qiang raised his hands with great effort and slightly tidied up his tattered clothes.

At this time, the sky had become completely dark, and someone in the house had already lit two candles, making the house a little dim.

Soon, under the leadership of Wang Peng, the members of the hunting team, a total of more than 10 people, entered the spacious tent.

"This is the leader of our Longshan base. Of course, he is also the one who just killed Mr. Wu. "Wang Peng stood in front of everyone, waved his hand, pointed in the direction of Xiao Qiang, and emphasized that Xiao Qiang killed Wu Lao, and said.

The reason why Wang Peng emphasized that Xiao Qiang killed Wu Lao was because although these people agreed to join Longshan Base under Han Feng's lobbying. But these people, after all, cannot be judged as ordinary people, they are all people with supernatural powers. Therefore, Wang Peng also emphasized it to help Xiao Qiang establish his majesty in front of them.

However, after Wang Peng introduced Xiao Qiang, everyone looked at Xiao Qiang, but looked at each other, looking at each other, with disgust in their eyes. And there was a hint of disbelief.

And all this was because Xiao Qiang, who was lying on the bed, still felt very weak and unable to move. His clothes were tattered and there were red bloodstains everywhere. More importantly, he looked at everyone with his mouth wide open, his eyes wide open, and even saliva flowing out of his mouth.

From the perspective of everyone, this was not the demeanor of someone who had just defeated Old Wu. It was just like a wretched uncle lying on the bed with a sick face and seeing a beautiful woman.

"Ding, a strong level 3 human was found."

"Ding, a superpower level 4 human was found."

"Ding, a strong level 6 human was found."

"Ding, a superpower level 7 human was found." "


However, what everyone didn't know was that Xiao Qiang, lying on the bed, had turned on the binocular recognition function and scanned everyone who entered the room. This scan was not a big deal, Xiao Qiang felt like he had discovered a new world. Each of these people had superpowers and their levels were not low. With the addition of these people, his base would be able to improve its strength.

Among them, Xiao Qiang counted and found that there were a total of 16 people, including 4 level 3 strong men, 2 level 3 superpowers, 1 level 4 superpower, 2 level 4 strong men, 2 level 6 strong men, 4 ordinary people, and 1 person who actually reached the level 7 superpower.

"It turns out that there are masters among the people. I didn't expect that the number of strong men in these three hunting teams was actually more than the number of strong men in several bases combined." After Xiao Qiang scanned the circle, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang, they are here. "Wang Peng turned his head and saw Xiao Qiang's appearance, and reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh? Oh, you are all here, right? Ahem, sorry, I made you laugh. "Xiao Qiang heard Wang Peng's reminder, and then he recovered and looked at everyone and said.

When everyone saw Xiao Qiang's current appearance, they felt a little comforted. It's impossible to find that the leader of the new base is not in tune.

"Hello everyone, I am Xiao Qiang. Thank you all for coming here today and joining our Longshan base. Our Longshan base is a warm big family. I believe that everyone will fall in love with it after they get there. In my Longshan base, I won't say much about other things. Everyone supports each other. The most important thing is unity. In this end of the world, create a piece of land suitable for survival. "Xiao Qiang looked at everyone with a firm look and said.

"My name is Jiang Kai. Can I ask a few questions? "One of the handsome men stepped forward, stood in front of the crowd, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

While speaking, the man's eyes were like a flash of lightning, staring straight into Xiao Qiang's eyes.

Xiao Qiang recognized that the man was the powerful man with level 7 superpowers that he had identified before, and immediately greeted him with a calm look, looking at the man and said: "Please speak. "

"I believe that our hunting teams are the same. The reason why we ran out of the base in the city was because the people from M Company joined and created inequality in the base. Even for those of us with superpowers, they could not respect us. We couldn't stand it, so we set up our own camp. "After Jiang Kai finished speaking, he paused.

Hearing Jiang Kai's words, the people in the hunting teams behind him all nodded and agreed with these words, including the hunting team that Miaomiao was in.

"So, I want to ask, will this situation occur when we arrive at Longshan Base? "Jiang Kai continued.

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