Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 417: Very popular with women

"That's a good question. I know that everyone trusts Brother Han before joining Longshan Base. Moreover, no matter what I say now, it is just words. Therefore, I hereby sincerely invite everyone to go to the base and take a look. When the time comes, If there is anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can protest against me. However, what I want to explain to you first is that once you join our Longshan base, you will not be able to obtain all the items like before. Come and separate. Because there are a lot of people in our Longshan base, and they don't have any powers, so I have to take care of them." Xiao Qiang smiled slightly, and then his expression changed. He spoke seriously.

"Okay, that's good. In the end of the world, you have the strength, but you can still take care of other people. It seems that I lied and offended you. There is another question. I don't know what level of strength you have?" Jiang After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Kai's expression changed slightly. From the distrust just now, he became a little surprised.

"Haha, my level is not high, I'm just a strong person at level 8." Xiao Qiang laughed and said to everyone in the room.

"What? With just the strength of level 8 strongman, did you kill the awakened level 1 strongman? Then it's not surprising that you were so seriously injured." Jiang Kai heard Xiao Qiang say that he was only strongman level 8 His strength was to kill a strong man at the awakening level. His eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't help but said loudly in surprise.

Not only did Jiang Kai act a little rude, but the people behind him also started talking a lot after hearing Xiao Qiang's words, and looked at Xiao Qiang with some surprise and respect in their eyes.

Wang Peng saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, smiled slightly, and felt a little proud, and said: "That's right, although our brother Qiang only has the strength of a strong person at level 8, he actually defeated an awakening level strong person. . When our brother Qiang reaches the awakening level, let’s calculate what level of power he can defeat. So, as I just told you, when we arrive at Longshan Base, as long as everyone works hard. , there is no need to worry about safety issues, it is much better than working alone outside. Okay, if there is no problem, then go and clean up, we will set off in half an hour. "

Everyone was thinking. After hearing Wang Peng's words, they shook their heads thoughtfully, indicating that there was no problem.

"What Wang Peng said is a bit exaggerated. After arriving at Longshan Base, we still need to rely on the joint efforts of everyone to create a better base and build a comfortable place suitable for human survival for everyone in the end of the world. Come out." Xiao Qiang looked at the crowd and said to them modestly.

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, everyone, led by Wang Peng, walked out of the tent and went to pack their luggage. However, Miaomiao stayed in the room and talked to Xiao Qiang alone.

Half an hour later, Wang Peng didn't know how Xiao Qiang persuaded her. Na Miaomiao had already accepted the fact that Xiao Qiang had a girlfriend, and she didn't look downcast, as if she was willing to have sex with Xiao Qiang. This is the relationship of friends.

"I'm not any uglier than Brother Qiang, why is he so good with women?" Wang Peng, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch his chin and said to himself when he saw this. .

"You're not ugly, but you're just a little bit worse than Old Wu. You scholars are just too delicate." Wu Shan suddenly appeared behind Xiao Qiang. After hearing Wang Peng's words, He said while stroking his beard.

Wang Peng was startled when he heard Wu Shan's sudden words. He turned around and saw Wu Shan's rough face, shaking his head in his heart.

"Has the car from Longshan Base arrived?" Wang Peng said.

"I'm here to tell you that everything has been prepared over there, the dead have been buried, and everyone else has already gotten on the bus. Including, the supplies that can be used in the base have also been put on the bus. Now, prepare to ask Xiao Qiang to get in the car too," Wu Shan said.

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